View Thread : The Official Retro Gaming Thread

Great Rumbler
This is a thread where we talk about retro games and how cool they are. But, instead of everyone just listing all the old games they like and everyone talking about different games, I decided to this a little bit differently. One person will name a retro game that they really like, post info and maybe some screens, and then will discuss the game. After a certain amount of time we'll go to another game and so on.

I'll start off with Guardian Legend.

For some reason it's one of my most memorable NES games, along with Zelda and the Mario series. Guardian Legend is a blend of Zelda-like dungeon levels and top-down shooting levels. I think one of the reasons I remember it so well is because of the music, which was pretty good for an NES game. I don't remember ever getting very far in it, I was only about 5 or 6 when I got it, but I probably played the first level a hundred times.

Dark Jaguar
I do believe I had the misfortune of not only never having played this game, but never hearing about it before either. Seems I missed out. Thus, I have nothing to add to this, sorry... *waits until subject change*

Great Rumbler
Download the rom then! It would only take you all of five seconds!

Or you could just download the music from the game at Overclocked Remix and imagine what it would be like to play the game.

Dark Jaguar
I think you already know my stance on that. I'll not rush it into the ground and just leave it at that.

I don't know about their past glories, but if Metroid Prime is the best that they can do, then I am fairly unimpressed.

Dark Jaguar
Was that a pun or do you really not know what we mean by "retro"? We mean classic oldies from ages past, from any company.

I don't know about their past glories, but if Metroid Prime is the best that they can do, then I am fairly unimpressed.

Yeah, if only it were as good as Quest 64. :rolleyes:

Great Rumbler
Originally posted by Darunia
I don't know about their past glories, but if Metroid Prime is the best that they can do, then I am fairly unimpressed.'re an idiot. Do you even know what this thread is about? Judging from your post you believe this a thread about is about Retro Studios, but this is in fact a thread about RETRO games. As in games that are really old. You also an idiot for not liking Metroid Prime, but that's a debate for another thread.

I think you already know my stance on that. I'll not rush it into the ground and just leave it at that.

Or you could just download the music at Overclocked Remix...

Dark Jaguar
Eh the music doesn't interest me. The gameplay does though.

Haha, not only did Darunia call MP crappy, but he also thought that Retro made games before MP.

Great Rumbler
What a dork.

Eh the music doesn't interest me. The gameplay does though.

Then download the rom!!

Dark Jaguar
Um, I already SAID why I won't be doing that!

Great Rumbler can delete the rom after you play it.

Dark Jaguar
...That's hardly the point...

Great Rumbler
Fine. Whatever. YOU post something about a retro game then.

So DJ is anti-ROM or something like that?

Originally posted by Great Rumbler
This is a thread where we talk about retro games and how cool they are. But, instead of everyone just listing all the old games they like and everyone talking about different games, I decided to this a little bit differently. One person will name a retro game that they really like, post info and maybe some screens, and then will discuss the game. After a certain amount of time we'll go to another game and so on.

I'll start off with Guardian Legend.

For some reason it's one of my most memorable NES games, along with Zelda and the Mario series. Guardian Legend is a blend of Zelda-like dungeon levels and top-down shooting levels. I think one of the reasons I remember it so well is because of the music, which was pretty good for an NES game. I don't remember ever getting very far in it, I was only about 5 or 6 when I got it, but I probably played the first level a hundred times.

You are right!! Excellent game!! I have the whole soundtrack!!

Great Rumbler
I got the entire soundtrack from Overclock Remix as in NSF file, it only takes up 13kb!

Hehe, me too. I know Mazedude (he writes for that site)

Quest64 > Metroid Prime.

Best retro game is hands down Legacy of the Wizard, NES, 1988. Forefather of great 2d side-scrolling RPGs...endless dungeons, awesome music...period.

Originally posted by Darunia
Quest64 > Metroid Prime.

Best retro game is hands down Legacy of the Wizard, NES, 1988. Forefather of great 2d side-scrolling RPGs...endless dungeons, awesome music...period.


you and your stupid legacy of the wizard. haha. we all know the best game for nintendo is bad dudes. "are you a cool enough dude to save the president?" haha.

Originally posted by Darunia
Quest64 > Metroid Prime.

Best retro game is hands down Legacy of the Wizard, NES, 1988. Forefather of great 2d side-scrolling RPGs...endless dungeons, awesome music...period.

Hahaha... you always bring a smile to my face. :haha:

Sacred Jellybean
Quest64 > Metroid Prime


Now look, I like Quest64 as much as the next guy... well... no... actually, I probably like it more than the next guy. But to proclaim its superiority to Metroid Prime, of all games?! Even my taste isn't that bad, and the surface of my tongue's completely eroded from Sour Patch Kids overkill!

For shame, Roonie. For shame...


A Black Falcon
Darunia is insane.

Oh yeah... Guardian Legend. I have played that game (on a real NES, that is...) -- a friend of mine at college has it, and likes it a lot. Its a pretty good game that is a interesting mix of genres...

Great Rumbler
Quest 64 better than Metroid Prime?! While I don't think Quest 64 was a horrible game it really was horendously average as far as RPGs go. And Metroid Prime, while not the best game ever although it's close, is one of the best FPSs [or FPAs] out there. I simply can't comprehend how you can say something like that.

TendoCity Chorus:
Darunia have a deviant opinion from the rest of us! No! Under the Holy Tendo City Charter, article 2, paragraph 30, "No one, especially not the hated Goron, shall have an opinion that shall be deviant from the main stream! To do so is to be subject to staunch ridicule!"

Darunia: But I like Quest as being the first RPG I ever played, I enjoyed the simple but lyrical music, the dozens and dozens of baddies (more than WW), the cool locations, and the nostalgia of it. On the other hand, I find MP's music to be mediocre (except for the cool Magmoor Caverns theme), the enemies to be bland, etc. And I hate having to kill 5 space pirates every time I go into a room.

Tendo City Chorus:
No! I shall not be! You cannot exist beyond the confines of the Holy Tendo City Charter! You cannot be free, nor have an opinion! Death! Murder! Stoning! The most holy of all charters, which forbids thought against the main stream, protects OB1 from his enemies, provides against Darunia ever winning an argument, and more...

Darunia: Ya know what, fuck the lot of you, and fuck your charter. I prefer Quest to Metroid Prime, graphics not withstanding. It's my opinion, so if you don't like it, PISS THE FUCK OFF AND GET A LIFE.

----Mnsr. Darunia, Esq., Le Comte de Hyrule.

Poor, delusional Darunia. There there now. Go to sleep.

A Black Falcon
Darunia... you liking Quest 64 isn't the big problem here. Sure, its a bad game, but some people like some bad games... its that you say its better than Metroid Prime, which is probably the best console game of the last few years!

Great Rumbler
I didn't say you couldn't have your own opinion, I'm just questioning how it's possible to say that one of the worst RPGs ever is better than of the best FPSs ever.

The music in MP was supposed to be catchy it was supposed to be atmospheric like the other Metroid games and I think it did a good job of that.

MP's enemies were bland? What? There were all kinds of cool monsters! I do agree with you, however, that there were a few too many space pirates, but we already know that you make a big deal about things like that than most people.

[But I like Quest as being the first RPG I ever played

Ha, Dragon Warrior all the way, boy!

GR, you're insane! The enemies in Quest 64 are way cooler than the ones in stupid Metroid Prime! Just look at these superbly-designed baddies!

Great Rumbler

Those are the actual enemies in the game!

Great Rumbler
Yeah, has A LOT of enemies and that makes up for EVERYTHING!!

I used to have Quest 64, but I sold it to this kid at school for $35. It was his last day at my school and I never saw him again, sucka!

I bet it was Darunia! Hahahaha! :haha:

Tendo City Chorus: Look at that Darunia, daring to oppose the masters of the land! His opinions, they differentiate from OB1's, Great Rumbler's, and Black Falcon! Who does he think he is, it is a well known fact that their opinions are the definitive law!

Darunia: No, I dare oppose you! I think that everyone has a unique opinion, and that I shan't conform to thee! Quest was the first true RPG in N64, and had almost a hundred unique enemies, and dozens of magic spells divided into four categories. It took one through a colorful island, and was a fun first-RPG for myself.

Tendo City Chorus: My god man, is he still here? Come now, brothers; OB1, Great Rumbler...if we laugh and ignore him, surely he was disappear, and we will once more be the kings of all that there is to see...

Hahaha, that's the ticket! :wave:

*Sends 15 mutant oompa loompa zombies to eat OB1.*



Darunia---> :fairy:



Dark Jaguar
Ah, look here, I'm playing the world's smallest violin...

Darunia: I'm serious!

DJ: So am I! This really IS the world's smallest violin. *Focuses microscope on said violin*

Great Rumbler
Originally posted by Darunia
Tendo City Chorus: Look at that Darunia, daring to oppose the masters of the land! His opinions, they differentiate from OB1's, Great Rumbler's, and Black Falcon! Who does he think he is, it is a well known fact that their opinions are the definitive law!

Darunia: No, I dare oppose you! I think that everyone has a unique opinion, and that I shan't conform to thee! Quest was the first true RPG in N64, and had almost a hundred unique enemies, and dozens of magic spells divided into four categories. It took one through a colorful island, and was a fun first-RPG for myself.

Tendo City Chorus: My god man, is he still here? Come now, brothers; OB1, Great Rumbler...if we laugh and ignore him, surely he was disappear, and we will once more be the kings of all that there is to see...

Oh, go make an opera, you fruit loop.

And just because it has a lot of unique monsters, dozens of spells, and a colorful island doesn't mean the game is any good. Nor does it mean that it's better than Metroid Prime, which it is not.

and was a fun first-RPG for myself.

You must have missed out on two entire generations and couple of years of PSX RPGs.

Fuck off DJ. Go suck off OB1 on your own time.




Dark Jaguar
Darunia, did you just get offended at a joke I got from Spongebob?


Firstly I'm not offended at that, and Spongebob offered flowers to a guy trying to suck his dick?

Which guy offered to suck my dick? :confused:

Dark Jaguar
What? You're trying to do WHAT to OB1?

I was talking about what I said and your offended response.

I told DJ to "fuck and go suck OB1 on his own time."

OB1, in his next response, is smiling and opening his arms as if to hug/receive someone, with a bouquet of flowers.

I roll my eyes in my next reply.

OB1, next, show two (male?} smiley faces, back-to-front, with one scratching the other's back.

Alright, now please clarify all of that for me.

Great Rumbler
Fuck off DJ. Go suck off OB1 on your own time.

DJ was refering to this and why you said that in response to this:

Ah, look here, I'm playing the world's smallest violin...

Darunia: I'm serious!

DJ: So am I! This really IS the world's smallest violin. *Focuses microscope on said violin*

I said it in response to that because he was butting and rescuring OB1 from me in the duel, thusly "sucking him off".

Originally posted by Darunia
I told DJ to "fuck and go suck OB1 on his own time."

OB1, in his next response, is smiling and opening his arms as if to hug/receive someone, with a bouquet of flowers.

I roll my eyes in my next reply.

OB1, next, show two (male?} smiley faces, back-to-front, with one scratching the other's back.

Alright, now please clarify all of that for me.

I was responding to your stupid remark in an inane manner. It's tough to come up with responses to your idiocy.

Then why bother, they can't be that pointless and stupid if you're compelled to reply every time.

Great Rumbler
Originally posted by Darunia
I said it in response to that because he was butting and rescuring OB1 from me in the duel, thusly "sucking him off".

A who to the what now? *is attacked by jellatin*

Oh, I forget. Don't bother trying to understand it, GR, I don't even know anymore.

A Black Falcon
The first RPG I played... I really have no idea. Some DOS shareware game, probably. I remember some cave rpg-ish game, and the Win 3.1 game 'Castle of the Winds' (that one was fun)... and some other one that I didn't play much.The first one I owned the full version of... not sure, depends what you call 'RPG'. Link's Awakening? Final Fantasy Adventure (if not LA)? Not sure if those are really RPGs...

But I do know what the first real, non action-RPG I owned was. Baldur's Gate.

Great Rumbler
The first RPG I played was Dragon Warrior, very fun game. I neved did beat it, I even played up to very close to the end about a year ago, but just didn't quite beat it.

Dark Jaguar
Confusion defense ALWAYS work!

A Black Falcon
I feel really, really stupid for forgetting to mention Quest for Glory: So You Want To Be A Hero (the VGA remake), which is a truly great RPG-Adventure game that I've had for a long time. Its not the first RPG I played, but it might have been the first RPG-style game that I owned... its still not a real hardcore RPG like Baldur's Gate, but it should have been mentioned. :)

Oh yeah, and IMO its Sierra's best game ever.

I got that in conjunction with another game once...played it briefly, didn't get far, but it didn't snare my attention at all.

A Black Falcon
Then you need some more mental help.

Unless you dislike either RPGs or adventure games, that is, since its a cross of those genres. :)

Oh, I know... most people's favorite game published by Sierra is Half-Life. Also, QFG 3 and 4 both well might be better than the first one... but I haven't played them much so I wouldn't know. What I do know is that QFG is a great, great game.

Dark Jaguar
Tierra's doing an unofficial remake of Quest For Glory 2, just so you know.

A Black Falcon
And when they release it I'll be sure to play it. QFG2 is the only one in the series thats text-input only... and I really do want to play the 5 games in order, and don't like text-input, so I might just wait for it... (I have abandonware versions of QFG2-4, but haven't played them). Not sure though...

Oh yeah, its really cool that in QFG you can use a character you created in the first game and import it into each of the others as you progress through the series... so you can use the exact same character with the exact same (well, same but improving as you get farther...) stats through all five games. :)