View Thread : Double standards and racism

Read this ( article and tell me what you think.

In his most recent racial taunt of Yao Ming, Shaquille O’Neal told a reporter, “Tell Yao Ming, ‘ching-chong-yang-wah-ah-soh.’” No, the superstar center of the L.A. Lakers was not trying to speak Chinese. Shaq was, in a most derisive tone, aiming a racist barb at the rookie center for the Houston Rockets.

...Ironically, just days before this racial taunt was aired nationally, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) had honored O’Neal with their Young Leaders Award. We can only hope that the NAACP had no knowledge of Shaq’s earlier racial taunt of Yao Ming and L.A. Clippers center Wang Zhizhi, broadcast on June 28 on Fox Television’s Best Damn Sports Show Period. When Yao Ming was brought up, Shaquille O’Neal spoke with a mock Chinese accent and made mock “kung fu” moves.

...The only reason anyone knows about Shaq’s latest taunt is because Fox Sports Radio’s Tony Bruno Morning Extravaganza played a recording of the taunt several times to its nationwide audience on Dec. 16 and 17. On the latter day, Bruno commented that Shaq’s comment was “not racist,” and then invited listeners and radio commentators to call in jokes making racist fun of Chinese. For hours, people cracked jokes, such as offering free bike parking to increase Chinese attendance at basketball games.

...What do sports commentator Jimmy “The Greek” Snyder, NBA Head Coach Dan Issell and former Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Trent Lott have in common? They all lost their jobs due to comments offensive to blacks or Hispanics. Golfer Fuzzy Zoeller, baseball pitcher John Rocker and basketball star Isaiah Thomas were all forced to apologize for racially insensitive comments.

...“I look forward to breaking down that mother f—’s body,” Shaq said of Yao Ming. “He said my name three times, two in Chinese and one in American. You don’t ever call me out. I’m from LSU.” Yao has never “called” Shaq out.

It's a very sad truth that while racial slurs directed towards blacks and hispanics are responded to with severe chastisement, racial slurs directed towards asians are pretty much ignored or even applauded in some ways. Why is that?

Originally posted by OB1
Read this ( article and tell me what you think.

It's a very sad truth that while racial slurs directed towards blacks and hispanics are responded to with severe chastisement, racial slurs directed towards asians are pretty much ignored or even applauded in some ways. Why is that?

Didn't you know? Only white people are capable of racism. Just ask Mapel :rolleyes:

Everyone is capable of racism, Mapel. Or racial prejucice, whatever. Screw the semantics.

Dark Jaguar
It may just be me, but I have yet to really see that many people discriminating against asians. However, such a quote there sure is rude. There's also all the nationalistic stuff going on, like the insults against, um, you know the 'stan nations.

It's just you.

Would it not have been the funniest thing ever if Yao Ming had responded, "Tell Shaq, 'Wuts goin down in your hood, my nigga?'" Am I way off-base here? I am giggling just imagining that.

A Black Falcon
I know I've read that Shaq claims that it was just a joke (and that some people actually believe that), but if it was a joke it was in pretty poor taste... and shouldn't have been said with microphones around at the very least... or, better, not at all...

Oh, and though right now it isn't Asians who are getting most of the insults, historically they did... just look at almost anything about Japan from the 1920s to 40s! US views were VERY racist... it was so normal then to be racist against Asians that many people probably didn't consider it racism to make derogotory statements about Asians. Like it was with Blacks in parts of the country for a long time.

Fortunately most of the modern world is past that... not all, of course. As stuff like this shows.

Sacred Jellybean
:D @ Luke!!1!11

Makes you wonder how much more media coverage this would have gotten if the shoe were on the other foot.

Well, not a big deal in WW2 because the Japanese weren't just getting it, so were the Germans, Italians and Russians.

Anyways, double standards are always funky of course. Its kind of like the new age double standard... Men should engage in promiscuous sex while women should avoid sex. What the hell is that about ? Perhaps there are different ways men and women do it, but the proper standard of course, should be for both to abstain - not a double standard.

A Black Falcon
Well... sort of. While the Germans, etc were also slurred, it was different towards Japanese. Just look at any World War II US propaganda cartoons or comics... generally, Germans are not looked at NEARLY as harshly and nowhere near as stereotyped... Note that only Japanese-Americans were put in camps by the government, not German-Americans... No, the US treatment of Asians was markedly worse than its treatment of Europeans. Its a fact and its why in those comics while Hitler is more often a foolish character, Japanese are either evil or ridiculous (stereotypes of them were pretty bad). I t doesn't take looking much US stuff from the period to figure out that... it was fortunate for the Germans that they were European.

Originally posted by A Black Falcon
Well... sort of. While the Germans, etc were also slurred, it was different towards Japanese. Just look at any World War II US propaganda cartoons or comics... generally, Germans are not looked at NEARLY as harshly and nowhere near as stereotyped... Note that only Japanese-Americans were put in camps by the government, not German-Americans... No, the US treatment of Asians was markedly worse than its treatment of Europeans. Its a fact and its why in those comics while Hitler is more often a foolish character, Japanese are either evil or ridiculous (stereotypes of them were pretty bad). I t doesn't take looking much US stuff from the period to figure out that... it was fortunate for the Germans that they were European.

Yes but bear in mind, not only did Germany not attack us, but they were not an immediate threat to us anyway. The Japanese attacked us directly, and they were a much more apparent threat.

In retrospect though, in the years since the war, making fun of the Germans has always been more popular.

Sacred Jellybean
Anyways, double standards are always funky of course. Its kind of like the new age double standard... Men should engage in promiscuous sex while women should avoid sex. What the hell is that about ? Perhaps there are different ways men and women do it, but the proper standard of course, should be for both to abstain - not a double standard.

Yeah, that bugs the hell out of me, too. If a guy is promiscuous with all sorts of women, he's obviously some sort of Fonzi-imitating lady-killer that controls and uses women for sex, making him cooler beyond any shadow of doubt. For women, though, it merely makes them slutty and thereby worthy of social ostracization by everyone, excluding guys trying to pick them up for a quickie.

It's very demeaning to females, and obnoxious.

Dark Jaguar
Yet another weakness of creatures who reproduce via sexual means... I can see why you humans NEED it and all, what with the fact that you need a good way to evolve quickly and mixing and matching bits of DNA is a pretty good way to get the best of the currently existing genes in one creature, but eventually it's going to be a weakness, especially when scientists do all the evolving. Sure, "The Wiseducen" has been getting some bad rap about them getting religious and "purging" entire worlds and all, but hey it's all good.

I'm not a racist (yea, thats right; I don't like illegial immigrants and that crap, but I'm smart enoguh not to hate peoples), and I sure don't hate black people and Jews. But I DO NOT AND NEVER will think that affirmative action and all this PC bullshit is neccessary. I drink to the day it's left behind.

Originally posted by Darunia
I'm not a racist (yea, thats right; I don't like illegial immigrants and that crap, but I'm smart enoguh not to hate peoples), and I sure don't hate black people and Jews. But I DO NOT AND NEVER will think that affirmative action and all this PC bullshit is neccessary. I drink to the day it's left behind.

At least some people here have some sense :)

A Black Falcon
Funny... I was thinking that that proved once again that politically Darunia makes no sense... :)

Dark Jaguar
ABF, the point of affirmitive action is to stamp out racism by essentially punishing morons for stupid thinking right? Well, while this is indeed something I fully agree with, I gotta say that this particular method seems a bit counterproductive.

Let me ask you this question. Do you understand Weltal's previous point when he stated that affirmitive action can in fact do the harm of making people think there's a difference? While I think it's stupid for people to blame affirmitive action for not getting a job, the fact is that when someone sees a person of a different race than what is considered the majority (oh, I'll rant about that in a second by the way), they will view them differently. They will view them as someone who they should consider hiring MORE than the majority member person. This is simply put racial discrimination. This is Weltall's point. All I want to know is do you see the logic here? It's not really "bad" discrimination, because they aren't getting fired because of it, but even the complimentary discrimination is still wrong.

Now, about this majority thing. Why is it that white males are considered "majority" anyway? Stating majority and minority in my opinion is a line of seperation. It's saying that in fact they are a group, which shouldn't be assumed at ALL, because people of each "group" may not know or care about each other at all. Why group them together as though they are either downtrodden or plotting against or whatever? It's just nuts and it's offensive. Ugh, sorry it's just this sort of thing really is offensive.

Anyway, while the good of affirmitive action is that "minorities" (ugh) are not being "punished" for who they are, it comes at the cost of perpetuating discriminating THOUGHTS. While, on the other hand, if it was not the case, while such discrimination could still occur (hey now, they COULD still sue if they can proove it was due to genes they were fired), the thoughts of people could actually be allowed to move on without a stubborn law continuously reminding people of old stupidities.

Oh, and Darunia I'm happy to hear that you are in fact not a racist. To be honest you have made some very racist comments in the past though. I certainly hope you won't be using such slurs any more. No need to refer to an entire country or group of genetically linked people when all you are angry at is the individual. Don't insult all of Mexico (sheesh, the fact is that when you do that, you are ONLY insulting people still in Mexico, who most assuredly aren't illegal immigrants) when you only mean to insult people who aren't even in Mexico any more.

Dark Jaguar
Here's another thing, when did Mexicans and Canadians become a race? It's a nationality sure, but a race?

Laser Link
I'll just mention this real quick. When I transferred to UCCS a couple years ago, I was told of how they had internship programs that would give you a head start and get experience for finding a real job. But these were only available to juniors and seniors, because the upperclassmen needed this the most and had the most knowledge. Unless you were a minority. Then you could get an internship right away. So now that I'm a junior the computer field is dead and nobody is hiring anyone, especially not a college kid who doesn't have a degree yet. I just always thought the whole point of "All men are created equal" was that we are all given equal opportunity. Silly me and my foolish idealism.

Originally posted by alien space marine
isnt this chinese player 7 feet tall?
it depends at what you define as racism....
making fun of someone name isnt necessarily racist.
Saying people of a certain group are dumb, stupid, lazy or greedy is racism.
If someone called me JOJO! Would I jump out shout racist?

As for the kung Fu thing.... Alot of asians are trained in martial arts at a young age and it just a staple mark of being Asian.
It would be the same as an american trying to mock a canadian saying "eh" alot.It doesnt mean the american is racist agaist canadians.Nore does it mean that Shaq is racist either.
If he shouted out "dumb Rice head" or somthing it would be pretty evident to what his motives were.

What does his height have to do with anything? Shaq mocked the man, saying things like "ching chong ching!" and doing mock kung fu moves. If you think that's alright then you've got a bit of bigotry in yourself.

Originally posted by Laser Link
I'll just mention this real quick. When I transferred to UCCS a couple years ago, I was told of how they had internship programs that would give you a head start and get experience for finding a real job. But these were only available to juniors and seniors, because the upperclassmen needed this the most and had the most knowledge. Unless you were a minority. Then you could get an internship right away. So now that I'm a junior the computer field is dead and nobody is hiring anyone, especially not a college kid who doesn't have a degree yet. I just always thought the whole point of "All men are created equal" was that we are all given equal opportunity. Silly me and my foolish idealism.

Giving advantages to anyone because of their skin color is just criminally stupid, to anyone possessing common sense. Those that lack the common sense usually get it when they suffer the consquences of their actions.

Assuming ABF is a white guy, I wonder what his views on affirmative action will be when perhaps someday he gets passed over for a job in favor of a minority who in some probability will be less qualified for the position. Maybe he'll have a few mouths to feed and a mortgage to pay. I wonder if he'll be so naively charitable then.

Not that I ever wish that on a person, but sometimes getting your ass kicked, even metaphorically, is the best way to learn how the world works.

alien space marine
Shaq comments were Imature.
I dont deny that.

The hole idea of having token members for employment is racism.
The poor black , Hispanic , Aboriginal , Asian are just gonna say to themselves" hey I am only here becuase am of a certain race "." I am not here because of my skills".Its certainly not fare to white people , It will only annoy and alienate White people from other minorities because of unfare racial tokenism.

Private Hudson
Originally posted by alien space marine
As for the kung Fu thing.... Alot of asians are trained in martial arts at a young age and it just a staple mark of being Asian.

A staple mark of being asian? It's called conjectural stereotyping.

Here's a news flash, not all asian people are Jacky Chan (appanently, only one of them is).

alien space marine
yah every american owns a gun!.
conjectual stereotyping isnt limited to asians.

but I heard that asians even make fun of each other , my teacher in history once taught in korea. The common chinese joke in korea was that chinese people would toss plates down the stairs and name there kid after whatever sound it makes.
Asians make fun of the west too!that said and done.
I am sure what should be done is for asians to laugh at these jokes and just poke fun back.
not everything should be taken to heart.

Private Hudson
Originally posted by alien space marine
yah every american owns a gun!.
conjectual stereotyping isnt limited to asians.

but I heard that asians even make fun of each other , my teacher in history once taught in korea. The common chinese joke in korea was that chinese people would toss plates down the stairs and name there kid after whatever sound it makes.
Asians make fun of the west too!that said and done.

And you don't consider making fun of someone based on a false cultural stereotype to be racism?

I am sure what should be done is for asians to laugh at these jokes and just poke fun back.
not everything should be taken to heart. [/B]

That would be the logical thing. But this isn't a perfect world where people can brush off 'hilarious' comments based on one's cultural background.

Dark Jaguar
Yeah, but Koreans have urban legends even stupider than our own! We may think you need to wait half an hour before swimming, but at least Americans don't think you can't sleep with a fan on at night or it'll suck up all your oxygen!

alien space marine
I dont see how the one were the guy got his kidneys cut out by a hooker is anymore realistic.

Private Hudson
Bah, had to edit my previous post because I didn't use the quote tags properly.

Yeah, but Koreans have urban legends even stupider than our own! We may think you need to wait half an hour before swimming, but at least Americans don't think you can't sleep with a fan on at night or it'll suck up all your oxygen!


Private Hudson
Yeah, that bugs the hell out of me, too. If a guy is promiscuous with all sorts of women, he's obviously some sort of Fonzi-imitating lady-killer that controls and uses women for sex, making him cooler beyond any shadow of doubt. For women, though, it merely makes them slutty and thereby worthy of social ostracization by everyone, excluding guys trying to pick them up for a quickie.

It's very demeaning to females, and obnoxious.

I think those days, too, are long passing. Many mainstream womens magazines nowadays are filled with sections relating wholly to sexual techniques, lesbian encounters, oral sex tips, sex olympics, etc. etc. etc. It's all there purely encouraging women to be open with their sexuality. People such as Christina Ageulira and Angelina Jolie are continuing the "open about their sexuality" and are almost celebrated for it (at least, Angelina. Though, she's not just a sexual being she's also extremely charitable and does aid work, etc.)

Madonna may have broken down the barriers, but people like this, shows such as Sex and the City are making women of this type actually seem like human beings, and not 50c hookers. I'd really only consider a girl slutty if she's promiscuous and cheap about it. Britney Spears for example.

In some areas, women are actually becoming far more sexually predative than men are.. not that the men are complaining, of course ;) Well...... except those in long-term relationships. ;)


... what

Great Rumbler
Why are you reviving old threads, OB1?

The question you need to ask isn't "why?", but rather "what...?".

Private Hudson

Great Rumbler

Oh for--

A Black Falcon
OB1 realized that his post count isn't high enough so he's doing stupid things to boost it...

:rolleyes: Yes that's right.

You're an idiot, ABF.

A Black Falcon
What, do you actually have a reason, or are you just doing it to be stupid?

Great Rumbler
Obviously he revived this old thread because he had some relevant thought that would add to this thread and enhance it' know what I'm gonna agree with ABF on this one...not that there's anything wrong with boosting you're post count.

First of all, if I really wanted to boost my post count I'd just do it in the admin panel. And who am I competing with? Nobody has nearly as many posts as I do... and I really don't care.

Secondly, do I really need a good reason to resurrect old threads? It's fun! Something very foreign to you, ABF.

A Black Falcon
You have a weird idea of fun then...

Great Rumbler
Some people revive old threads, I boost my post-count with nonsense. *shrugs*

You have a weird idea of fun then...

This, coming from the guy who hates the outdoors and spends all of his free time playing computer games? :lol:

Great Rumbler
Playing outdoors is fun...except when it's cold like it is now.

Haha, actually I should have mentioned the fact that ABF makes threads that contain long and boring lists for fun. :rofl:

He's a party animal all right!

Great Rumbler
I don't see how doing something like that could be fun.

A Black Falcon
Cold? It's not too bad, I haven't been forced to wear my winter coat to get to class yet...

I don't see how doing something like that could be fun.

That's because you haven't even begun to understand the meaning of fun!

Great Rumbler
That's because you're weird and you think that a temperature of 50 degrees is a mild summer day. Wacky Maineninites.

Haha, that sounds like "Mooninites". I bet ABF talks like them, too. :lol:

A Black Falcon
Sorry, aren't they arch-conservative? Doesn't fit too well then. :)

And 50 isn't a mild summer day, but at this time of year it'd be around average probably. Maybe a little above, but it gets that warm sometimes.

Okay, so it was chilly a few days ago, but just walk quickly and no coat is needed... and it's not like I'm wearing shorts and a tshirt or something of course.

But I do find it funny how southerners wear coats when it drops below seventy or so, it's absurd...


Great Rumbler
Sorry, aren't they arch-conservative? Doesn't fit too well then.

What the heck are you talking about?

But I do find it funny how southerners wear coats when it drops below seventy or so, it's absurd...

What's weird is you North-Easterners running around outside with no coat when it's friggen' cold outside.

I'm probably overstating the obvious here, but people from different parts of the country react to weather conditions differently.


Lately, though, our weather down here has been indecisive. It's freezing at the beginning of the day, hot as hell around noon, then freezing again in the afternoon.

A Black Falcon
50 degrees isn't cold enough to need a coat. Maybe a windbreaker if it's windy, but an actual coat? Only if you are not at all used to cold weather!

I'm probably overstating the obvious here, but people from different parts of the country react to weather conditions differently.

Yes, I would call that stating the obvious. :)

Great Rumbler
50 degrees isn't cold enough to need a coat. Maybe a windbreaker if it's windy, but an actual coat? Only if you are not at all used to cold weather!

Below 70 constitutes the use of a jacket, below 50 constitutes the use of a heavy coat.

A Black Falcon
You wouldn't last five minuites in this state, I think... :)

What the heck are you talking about?

He thinks we're talking about meninites, or however you spell that.

A Black Falcon
Mennonites (that might be wrong too)? No, I wasn't thinking that...

So, who/what ARE you talking about, if it isn't what I thought?

The Mooninites!

A Black Falcon
Yeah, that helps. :rolleyes:

Only cool people know who they are.

Great Rumbler
You wouldn't last five minuites in this state, I think...

Ya, that's why I don't live there.

So, who/what ARE you talking about, if it isn't what I thought?


A Black Falcon
Ya, that's why I don't live there.

And the same goes the other way around, I am sure, as we have discussed before. :)

Great Rumbler
Assuming that the average summer temperature in Maine probably rarely exceeds 85 and in Oklahoma it's often above 100, I suppose it does.

A Black Falcon
Quite definitely.

Great Rumbler
Wasn't this supposed to be a thread about double-standards?


Great Rumbler
I am the digital ruler!

We have come here to destroy you!

Great Rumbler
You've come here to kill me haven't you?! Bullfrog King!!

*ABF is confused*

Great Rumbler
That's because he's not cool like us.

You got that right!

Great Rumbler
Oh yeah! *high five* Now let's go play games with cool stories like MGS2 and ICO and watch movies with cool stories like 2001 and Citizen Kane and then laugh at ABF because he thinks the presentation of the stories in MP and BG are really good!!

*does that*

Great Rumbler
*does that also*

*dances a jig*

Great Rumbler
You know what that means! Now I'll do a dance! *does a dance* Seriously, though, 2001 is such an awesome movie. How come they don't make sci-fi movies like that anymore, aside from Contact? Don't people want cool sci-fi movies like that?

A Black Falcon
Contact was a great movie...

Great Rumbler
Contact was a great movie...

Yes it*shakes head* Anyway, sci-fi movies like that are some of the best, not to bash great sci-fi movies with a lighter touch [Star Wars, Star Trek, ect.], but it's sad that so few sci-fi movies are as thought-provoking as those two. Mission to Mars is good movie that's in a similar vein, althought it's quite a bit more literal and not as alegorical.

A Black Falcon
Hmm... what was that movie's name... oh, right. Solaris.

Great Rumbler
Yeah, that's another one. You'd probably be better off watching the original Russian movie rather than the newer ramake, though.

A Black Falcon
I saw the new version ... was it this summer? Or last year? Anyway, not too long ago. It was pretty good, I think. Haven't seen the original...

Dark Jaguar
Contact was allegory? Seemed straight-forward to me...

Mission to Mars was actually pretty painful. I mean, the whole thing was based around a blurry image file.

alien space marine
george clooney gets your ass back into the ER room and shut the hell up! Your not a space man or a psychologist your filthy piece of shit! Thanks for fucking batman you bastard!

If you want to see a scifi movie chalk full o' symbolism, watch THX 1138. Much better than Contact. :p

Mission to Mars sucked, btw. :D

A Black Falcon
Have you seen Solaris, OB1?

Oh, and I've wanted to see THX 1138 for a long time, but I've never actually seen it...

Oh yeah, I need to mention the obvious. 1984.

Great Rumbler
Contact was allegory? Seemed straight-forward to me...

Uhh...maybe you should go and watch the last 30 minutes again and then explain just exactly what happened. There are a ton of theories, just check out Internet Movie Database.

Mission to Mars sucked, btw.

I know that's the pervading opinion, but personally I thought it was a good movie.

If you want to see a scifi movie chalk full o' symbolism, watch THX 1138.

I really need to get that on DVD. George Lucas should make more movies like that after he finishes Star Wars.

Oh yeah, I need to mention the obvious. 1984.

That too, although the book is probably better.

A Black Falcon
Well yeah, the 1984 book is better, but if you're talking about this kind of scifi you have to mention it.

And yeah, the ending of Contact is kind of strange, but it seemed like it made sense...

Have you seen Solaris, OB1?

No, but I've been meaning to see it. The original, better version.

I really need to get that on DVD. George Lucas should make more movies like that after he finishes Star Wars.

That's his plan.

Great Rumbler
That's his plan.

Good, because it shows that he can make deep, thought-provoking sci-fi movies if he really wants to and that's the kind sci-fi movies we need more of.

Yes. Though you know, there's much more to SW than you think. It's just not all extremely obvious.

A Black Falcon
Everyone knows SW is a painfully simple series with no depth at all...

Great Rumbler
Yes. Though you know, there's much more to SW than you think. It's just not all extremely obvious.

If you look closely I'm sure you'll find there's a bit more too it, but it's, on the whole, a story of archetypes, though there's certainly nothing with that.

SW uses fantasy story conventions to tell a surprisingly deep story about nature vs. nurture, redemption, emotion, education (yes, education), and even political commentary.

I love it how people think the Rings movies have such deep messages like "never give up!" but brush off SW as simple eye candy. The Matrix movies are also considered to be deep, but their messages are only convoluted, which people confuse with depth.

Lucas is no fool, and if you cannot or don't wan't to see the meaning behind his movies then the only fool is yourself.

Great Rumbler
Still, I wouldn't put Star Wars in the same category as movies like 2001, Contact, or THX-1138.

alien space marine
The last two matrix movies were just jargon shit , Neo being a mirror of Jesus give me a fucking break! If I wanted to see martydom Id turn on Passion of the christ.

Great Rumbler
Personally, I didn't think the sequels were all that bad, although the ending could have been better. The original movie is still the best though.

There's nothing that deep about Contact.

Great Rumbler
Because you're not looking hard enough. :p

No I'm serious, I get the message in the movie and I thought it was pretty cool, but it's certainly not on the same level as 2001 or even THX. The movie is about faith. The book may be different, but I've only seen the movie. There wasn't a whole lot up to interpretation, you know what I mean? Even the ending was straight-forward. The main character knew what she saw, knew that it was fact, but also knew that there was no scientific evidence to back it up (or so she thought). It's analogous to religious belief. Many people think that it's a blind belief because our science does not confirm it (though neither can it prove it wrong), though I'm sure that for some people it really is a blind belief. I think that part in the end where they basically confirm that the whole thing did happen kind of hurt the movie. There was really no speculation after that. Good movie, and it had a nice message, but yeah...

The best part about Contact, 2001, THX and Solaris is that there's NO BLACKS, ASIANS OR JEWS.

*waits for explosion*

Contact was about faith in God, yes. But it also had really cool theories brought to the screen. Solaris is about letting go (but the movie sucked). THX is about loss of humanity and 2001 is about creationism, the black monolith being God/the universe that appears when an evolution is about to begin (ape kills ape, learns value of possession and ability to conquer leading to human evolution and qonquest - Human kills computer, learns value of artificial man-made humanity leading to comprehension of the brain and ultimately omnipotancy).

Great Rumbler
*listens to Pink Floyd's Echoes*

Are you referring to the original version or the remake of Solaris, lazy?