View Thread : Least Favorite Trek Series?

I bet I know what ABF is gonna vote for...

Great Rumbler
Enterprise. I just never had any desire to watch it.

... then how do you know it's no good? Give it a chance. Watch tomorrow's season premiere and give it one more chance.

A Black Falcon
I will probably watch, but that won't change the series from easily being the worst Trek.

Great Rumbler
It might help if I knew when and watch channel it was coming on...

Dark Lord Neo
The Animated Series

Tomorrow evening on UPN, GR. Check

A Black Falcon
8pm Wednesday, same exact place Trek has been for NINE YEARS NOW...


Most people stopped watching Trek a few years into Voyager (since it stunk so badly), so it's not as common knowledge as you may think.

Great Rumbler
So, it's 7pm Central, then. Dang, that's when I'm at church. I guess I'll have to tape it.

You better!

Star Trek II!


Man Voyager was lame, and boring. I hate Janeway so much.


A Black Falcon
I just don't get why so many people who liked the other serieses disliked Voyager... it was a lot like TNG, just better... :)

Originally posted by OB1

It was a proposed series that was supposed to continue the TOS arc. It was killed off, but a number of it's storylines were recycled as Next Generation episodes.

ABF just called Voyager better than TNG.

Will somebody please shoot him?

A Black Falcon
I know you all disagree, but i just think its more enjoyable to watch... it is my favorite Trek based just on how much I enjoy the show. DS9 is best if we go by 'which was the highest quality and most interesting', though... the deep, complex story that it followed was really great...

*tsk tsk tsk* :shake:

A Black Falcon
What, you can't disagree that DS9 has the deepest story!

I'm talking about you and your stupid Voyager comment.

*Declares formal state of war on ABF*

*Captain Picard signs alliance with Goron Empire*

You're going to eat those words, ABF. Voyager sucked. DS9 was cool shit, but no where near as good as TNG.

A Black Falcon
TNG is just more boring than Voyager. Its certainly a very good show... its just not as good or interesting as Voyager. That's my opinion, anyway...


I second that.

A Black Falcon
I think you two need that sign far more than me. :)

Great Rumbler

I second that as well.


I never really followed the shows after the Next Generation was taken off the air.

Bad news for Enterprise:

This season is only going to see 24 episodes, which means that UPN could order another 24 for next season which would fulfil their 100-episode contract, then they could then cancel the show.

A Black Falcon
Yeah, I heard this... really too bad. The 26 ep seasons were one of Trek's most unique things these days, and cutting it to a more normal 24 (though nowdays many are 22...) is too bad. Threatening to cancel it after next season stinks too... I may think it's the worst Trek so far, but it's improving and is a decent show and doesn't deserve cancellation.

Have you seen much of this season?

Dark Jaguar
They should have one where a half-Q/half-human is a member of the crew, and they are fighting evil dark wizards, who's magic is the only thing Q are weak against, because magic breaks the laws of physics which the Q are a part of, so it breaks them!

Or maybe one with time travel and the holodeck going haywire now and then, you know, whatever's on.

A Black Falcon
Uh... a couple of episodes...

Actually, like two or three...

I saw the first one, and then one early one (4th or 5th), and then the one last week where they were in Detroit. Maybe one other, not sure...

*tsk tsk tsk*

YOU are killing the series.

A Black Falcon
Nope, I'm not a Neilsen household and I don't know anyone who is. No one else matters...

How does that work, exactly?

A Black Falcon
The people who are Nielsen people do something that records what they're watching, not sure how it works... and they base all the ratings on that. Seems kind of innacurate to me... there've often been complaints (generally, of course, when a network thinks its show is doing better than Nielsen says; when the show is highly rated for no reason, of course, Nielsen is great...), but it's what we've got.

That's really dumb.

A Black Falcon
Yes. But what would be a good system?

Two words: Tele portation.

A Black Falcon
And how would that work?


A Black Falcon
I know you just want the newest post everywhere, but you need to explain yourself.

Hey you were the one complaining about how dead it is here, SO WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT FROM ME??!!!

And don't say "posts that make sense".

A Black Falcon

posts that make sense? :D

Well in most of the threads you're making sense, so why not in the others too...

Pfft. I refuse to conform!

Great Rumbler

I hear ya! Don't let ABF know that we can use telepathy and he can't!

Great Rumbler



Wooo! Telepathy Party!

I'll miss 'em.

Babylon 5 I don't care thats its not Star Trek!!

Yeah, B5 is the greatest.

B5 is the greatest but I misread the thread title heh :drunk:

A Black Falcon
Yes, Babylon 5 is awesome...

Good news!

A Black Falcon
Moving it to friday would be killing the series because friday shows get bad ratings. And Trek has been in that slot for ten years... it'd definitely hurt ratings if it moved. And good to hear that it might not be in immediate danger, but the 4th season is next season, not this one, so we'll have to see what they're saying after the 4th season...

alien space marine
stargate Sg1 is better then enterprise,The writers are not whacking off and its far better acted.

Ent could be so much better if the writers knew what they were doing and actually write more about the founding of the federation.

I liked singularity and Cease fire , Regeneration was good as it was the Borg but they dont exactly fit into continuity.

Sure they did, it fit perfectly well with First Contact. It was a pretty damn good episode.

I haven't seen most of season 3 but I just finished watching "Similtude", the first episode from one of the show's new writers, and it was probably the best episode I've seen so far. It was a very moving episode, and if this is a sign of the future of the series then I'm extremely optimistic about the rest of this season and onward.

A Black Falcon
I've seen several eps this season, but not that one I think.

It's a really, really good episode. Try to find it on DC++.

A Black Falcon

I've only downloaded on ep this season... 3x02, Anomaly. I've seen a bunch on TV, though. I saw half of 3x03 (Extinction), half or less of 3x04 (Rajin), a little bit of 3x05 (Impulse), 3x07 (The Shipment), and 3x08 (Twilight).

You really gotta see Similitude.

A Black Falcon
And you should see Twilight. Great episode. I liked Anomaly too, actually... and The Shipment was okay... Enterprise has come a long way from its first season, for sure.

I'm trying to d/l as much of season 3 as I can. Don't forget to watch it tonight!

A Black Falcon
Like you've been so good at watching it, as you just admitted... and I don't know. This ep sounds kind of dumb.

alien space marine
Like you've been so good at watching it, as you just admitted... and I don't know. This ep sounds kind of dumb.

Simulitude was the best but I wish they had ended it differently more farscape style twist were Sim would replace the original Comander tucker.

Nah, they did that with Nemesis and it was dumb.

BTW thanks for spoiling Farscape for me. :disgust:

A Black Falcon
You haven't seen it?

I've only seen the first episode.

A Black Falcon
It's a great show.

Yes, I know. But I never had sci-fi and I can't find enough episodes on DC++ and Kazaa.

A Black Falcon
I found a bunch on our campus DC network and have 27 eps -- 7.4GB. I used to have more, at least 8.5GB, maybe 9, but I got rid of the eps I didn't like as much... though I haven't watched the last nine eps so I don't know how many of those exactly I'll keep. :)

I also have 28 eps (4.25GB) of DS9.


A Black Falcon
How? I'm in two DC hubs when I'm on (not counting campus hubs), usually... four sometimes. Oh, or the Nintendorks Hub, but I'm not there that much... I could get on it if you wanted me to though. :)

Just remember that these are very large files (especially the Farscape ones) and it'll take a long time to download them.

Just send me your harddrive.

A Black Falcon

Or put everything on DVDs...

A Black Falcon
I don't have a burner, remember? And 250mb Zip discs aren't big enough for a bunch of the files... and would be prohibitively expensive besides. :p

Well... maybe you could send me the harddrive then.

A Black Falcon
Like that's going to happen.

I promise I'll return it after I've watched everything.


A Black Falcon
You wish. :)

I have my games I actually own almost all on the 40GB drive C, but the 80GB disk I added has most all of my anime, scifi shows, roms, MP3s...

Well... maybe I could get them from you on DC.

A Black Falcon
Know where to find me?

... no

A Black Falcon
The most likely hubs are (usually almost full though) and


The most likely hubs are (usually almost full though) and
I just got banned from that hub do you have any clue who I should contact about getting unbanned? (It said I had incomplete files and to my knowledge I don't)

A Black Falcon
usually they unban you after a day or so (if its a normal temporary ban)... i've had them ban me before. I think it was for some specific file extension... don't remember which though. :D