View Thread : Favorite Trek Captain?

Kirk is the best and you know it...

A Black Falcon
Can't disagree there. Kirk is the best. Not sure who'd get second, though... maybe Janeway, maybe Sisko... maybe Picard, but I never liked him quite as much.

Great Rumbler
You don't like Picard?! What's wrong with you?!

As great as Picard is, come on people, Captain Kirk. Unlike other captains he actually used his fists more than his phazer!!

Captain KirK: the know it.


Dark Jaguar
Eh, Kirk may have fought a lot, but that's about all he has to his name. I like trek for the diplomacy and puzzle solving, and Picard has that all down town around.

Dark Lord Neo
Kirk, Spock and Data have always been my favorite character
So I'll have to say Kirk
But if Data had ever been promoted to captain it would have been him

Kirk is the captain you'd most want to party with. He's cool, he's charismatic, and he's funny. He was a rebel!

Great Rumbler

But, if Data had ever become captain I would have had to vote for him.

Why don't you marry him if you love him so much!!

Kirk was too melodramatic. Picard could tell you to go to hell and convince you the trip would be fun.

Plus, he got Borged and lived to tell about it. He's got more balls. And for a Frenchman, that's incredible.

Pfft, Kirk fought GOD.

Well, a fake one... but still...

Dark Jaguar
So did Picard! He has fought more than any other against Q, remember?

And unlike Kirk, Picard considered the Prime Directive more than just a suggestion. (Not that he didn't break it constantly anyway mind you.)

A Black Falcon
Picard's okay, but he just seems a bit ... unexciting ... when compared to the others. I'd take Kirk, Janeway, and Sisco all over him...

Dark Jaguar
Unexciting? What, should everyone on TV ALWAYS be expressing emotions in every single line? That gets annoying fast, like in every single one of Fox's shows lately.

Great Rumbler
Kirk: These...are my

Kirk is like Han Solo while Picard is more like Luke (RotJ Luke). Kirk is more adventerous and usually likes to do things his own way, which almost always works out for the better. Picard is more serious, more by-the-book. He's still great and only second to Kirk IMO, but he lacks the humor and humanity that Kirk had. Kirk had lots of flaws which added more to his character. He was more easy to relate to, but still had a very commanding presence.

Dark Jaguar
Only more human to YOU maybe because maybe that's the type of person you are. To others Picard seems more realistic.

A Black Falcon
I just like the other captains better because they don't have that same slow, deliberate pace that Picard has... he's a great captain, of course, but I just prefer his style not as much.

Well I'm sure that there are some humorless, extremely stern people out there who identify with Picard, DJ.

Kirk kicks so much ass. Picard is second; he's cool too and he can kick ass. Sisko is fact, they get increasingly worse as time goes along...well, Archer is better than fuckin' Janeway (DIE JANEWAY DIE), but still. I hate pacifist tree huggin' Star Trek captains.

I'm pretty sure that all of the captains were friends of the environment and would be considered "tree-huggers" by today's standards.

A Black Falcon
Yes, I'd agree with that...

No doubt, but Kirk wasn't nearly as bad. Kirk beat up people, and could be belligerent. Janeway, from episode one, was a PC nazi...when she refused to use that ...thing in orbit...(caretaker something?) to go home immediately. Hated her from then.

A Black Falcon
But she couldn't do anything about that... it'd have been wrong! And anyway, you must come up with a plausible way to strand them there. What should they have done?

alien space marine
besides Kirk was canadian!
He was also born in my home town, Some biased there.

... it'd have been wrong!

That's what's wrong with Trek today. Star Trek isn't about exploring the galaxy and encountering's about being a pussy-whipped liberal. "Oh that'd be wrong..." what are you, a kindergartener? Who's need for morales there. Do something wild and exciting, not lame and PC. Ugh.

Star Trek isn't about exploration and finding new aliens??? Does this ring a bell to you?

"Space, the final frontier.
These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise.
It's continuing mission:
to explore strange new worlds,
to seek out new life and civilizations,
to boldly go where no one has gone before."

A Black Falcon
Uhh, OB1, Darunia isn't saying that Trek isn't about that, he's saying that it used to be about that and that he thinks the modern serieses aren't about it anymore ('too PC now')... its not that hard to understand... its completely wrong, but not hard to understand. :)

Thank you, ABF, for clarifying that...and no, it is not completely wrong. You are completely wrong, Mr. Poopy Pants.

My bad. I read that late last night when I was feeling sick and wanted to go to bed. I'm used to you saying crazy things so it sounded natural. :D

But yeah, I agree with you. Trek needs to get back to the exploration, the feeling of the unknown. Enterprise should be like that but it's not. They need to make another Trek series that takes place after Voyager so that we're not just seeing the crew discover things that have already been discovered in past series.


The one thing I hate about TNG is that the Federation would let primative races be wiped out rather then interfear in their culture. What good is preserving a culture if your gonna let a meteor/exploding star/strange cosmic event destroy it. So I prefer Kirk. He'd say "screw the Prime Directive" and save lives.

The best cpatains and why, in descending order:

Picard may be bald, old, and French, but nobody belongs in the captains chair more than him. ENGAGE! Besides, he shares the show with Data, undoubtedly the coolest character of any ST.

Kirk comes in at a close second, and only because he pioneered the series.

Janeway, she wasn't THAT bad, but she wasn't that good either. If getting 200 poeople home meant the obliteration of a planet AND a whole race, no Starfleet captain would have done that. That isn't just breaking the Prime Directive, that's throwing up on it! Besides that, they got to discover so mny new species and cultures, and that's what Star Trek is all about in the first place. Chill out, remember, it's just a show.

Sisko, because 75% of the time, he wasn't making command decisions, he was dealing with his son or something.

Archer is a wuss, the worst Starfleet captain ever. as Darunia would say: DIE ARCHER DIE.

A Black Falcon
I wish they'd kill Archer off... he has improved somewhat from season 1, but not so much that I actually like his character. He's still incredibly annoying and a wimp...

As for the Prime Directive, its an interesting issue -- do you help someone and improve their civilization, thereby probably wiping out the independent one they had been developing for a long time, lor leave them alone and let what happens happen... the Prime Directive is a opposite reaction from early European explorers actions, of course... and much better. But as all the Trek serieses show, sometimes you can't follow both the Prime Directive and your concience. :)

alien space marine
But what is good about enterprise is they dont have a prime directive, But it does seem that they have their own self limits on what they do, Like not landing in a Iron aged civilization without some kind of disguise not to screw up the race.

The episode dear docter is conflicting for me, As I dont see the benifit of having a cure to a desease that affected a entire race and not giving it to them because they would dominate the primitive race also living on the same planet.

Dark Jaguar
Yeah really! No reason to let them die out just because it's likely they will do bad things to others. DON'T YOU GET IT KNIVES? I WANTED TO SAVE THEM BOTH!

alien space marine
The Arguement was the advance vs the unadvanced, Going back to history, But giving a cure to a desease isnt the same as handing them a bomb.

How do they know that they wont get so desperate they will round up and experiment on the primitives like guinea pigs anyways?They could also find the cure themselves and dominate the planet anyways, So if you had a cure their isnt much of a reason not to give it unless you enjoy watching millions die.

The arguement that interfering will cause more damage is like saying why give aids medicine to africa! It is a poor arguement , Were as maybe handing technology especially weapons would be questionable but not needed medicine.

Yeah really! No reason to let them die out just because it's likely they will do bad things to others. DON'T YOU GET IT KNIVES? I WANTED TO SAVE THEM BOTH!
For your Trigun reference you get a free drink :drunk: enjoy.

Dark Jaguar
Wait a sec, vanilla 7-up?! That's incredible!