View Thread : We're friends again, as it's finally been realized by both of us how stupid this is.

Damn. Must suck to live in Oklahoma, huh?

A Black Falcon
The nearest Best Buy and Circuit City to me is 30 miles...

Dark Jaguar
Um, actually they are all over the place around here. Stupid stereotyping OB1, it's not the state, it's him living in some one block town instead of an actual cityl.

What are you talking about? There aren't any cities in Oklahoma, silly!

Dark Jaguar
Oh, right! :S

There are only small towns and farms and stuff.

Dark Jaguar

Really! I even know someone that lives there!

big guy
the closest CC from here is like...4 miles away.

but i don't plan on picking this game up right away because money will be tight after i get my tattoo.

Dark Jaguar
Hey, so do I!


You do realize I live here don't you?

A-HA! We finally got it out of her, guys!


Now... now what to do with that information...



:idea: I got it!

We'll look up her name in the phone book, come find her, then throw pies at her face!! I'm brilliant!!

A Black Falcon

Dark Jaguar
Um, perhaps you are someone ignorant of the many MANY times I've stated this already.

No, you've hinted at it before but never actually gave us a straight answer. At least not in any of the threads that I visited.

Great Rumbler
DJ lives in Tulsa. I've known for about a year. :)

But whenever we'd talk about that you were never sure if she was telling the truth or not...

Great Rumbler
I think that you're imagining things, OB1.

I'm not! ABF might have been there, so he could tell you that I'm right.

A Black Falcon
Huh? DJ said that she lives in Oklahoma, and Tulsa in specific, last year... I certainly have known that for some time. And I'm pretty sure it was in the forum as well as in chat...

Dark Jaguar
Yeah, but of course that one time in chat when you asked me, even though I've said it many many times before, I decided to mess with you and just hint at it. It was funny.

OB1: ...

DJ: Well, I guess ya had to be there...

A Black Falcon
You've said it many times before, yes... both 'I live in Okahoma' and 'I live in/near Tulsa (I remember that from a thread that got on the topic of urban sprawl...)'... OB1, you've forgotten all that?

I got it today and so far, it looks like I'm going to be having a very fun time playing it. However, Soul Calibur II is beckoning yet again, and thus far, I've found it impossible to resist the urge for some SC2.

FFTA even has a setting that can change the graphics so they're better suited for TV! Game Boy Player compatible!

Dark Jaguar
I wouldn't say that. If it actually knew it was on a GBP and adjusted itself automatically, THEN it would be. That's what old SGB designed games did... If Tactics didn't do that though, and since I am not hearing anything about an "amazing new game that utlilizes the GBP for exclusive content", I do believe that the GBP is ONLY designed to emulate the games, and can't add anything to them or indeed even let them know it's anything more than a Gameboy Advance.

Regardless, I want this game anyway, eventually.

DJ never gave me a straight answer. She'd say that she lived there one day then deny it the next. The usual DJ thing. Guess she thinks it's "cute" or something like that. :roll2:

Great Rumbler
I saw a carpenter ant one time...

A Black Falcon
I thought that on this issue DJ was pretty clear.

Dark Jaguar
Already told ya OB1, I've said it a billion times before, so when you had the all-out gall to ask me again, I decided to just hint at it. It was funny.

A Black Falcon

It's like this whole gender thing. She never gave us a straight answer as to whether or not she's a boy or a girl, but GR had enough evidence to prove it.

A Black Falcon
To DJ straight answers just aren't an option most of the time... but DJ HAS given clear answers to 'where do you live' enough for me to believe her.

Prove it!

A Black Falcon
Uh... but some of it was in chat... :)

Here he makes it clear he lives in a large Southern city.

Ah, here we go. Try this, OB1... its quite clear here. After reading this there is no doubt... you even were posting in that thread! You forgot it already?

"I live in Tulsa, Oklahoma"


DJ always changes her story, so you can never believe what she says.

A Black Falcon
Uhh... no. That's the only story (real story) I've gotten out of DJ... if you actually READ those threads it seems very, very clear to me. Especially the first two... the exhibit knowledge of that area... she said more than just 'I live there'...

Find another story and I will be shown wrong, but I don't think DJ has ever really said anything else.

Well you're WRONG because on several different OCCASIONS I've asked her if that's the TRUTH and she'd tell me YES one second and NO the other, just like she DOES with EVERYTHING. YOU even TALK about that from TIME to TIME and you're STILL not CONVINCED that DJ is a SHE.

SEE how ANNOYING this way of WRITING is?

A Black Falcon
But about where she lives DJ has been clear! Those three threads are very clear... no 'maybe yes maybe no' stuff there, for sure. Maybe DJ did that to you just to annoy you, but that's just because DJ's said that she lives in Oklahoma so many times... its kind of dumb to see you trying to deny it when DJ said so about fifteen times in three threads without ever trying to say anything else!

She also hinted that she lives in Canada, so you're being an idiot about this. Even if she gave us her home address in Oklahoma it wouldn't matter if she later retracted it.

You SEE, DJ has a real KNACK for joking AROUND and saying THINGS that contradict THEMSELVES over and OVER, so you can NEVER take anything SHE says SERIOUSLY.

Great Rumbler
When did DJ hint at living in Canada? :confused:

Anyway, I think it's clear that DJ lives in Tulsa. She hasn't said differently to me. I think she just does that to you because she knows that it annoys you. :D

Dark Jaguar
Yeah :D. Besides, I'm no liar, and to say such a thing unless I'm actually joking (which I always explain I am if someone mistakes my joke for being serious) would be a lie. The way I said it couldn't really be taken as a lie in any context either. And oh yes, of course just saying something that kinda HINTS at living in Canada (maaaaybe :D) means nothing in the face of something I've said as a certainty (I live here in Tulsa, the city that's full of nothing). Logic OB1.

A Black Falcon
Canada? No, DJ never seriously said she lives in Canada... I think one of us did first, actually (because of how DJ uses the metric system?), but didn't mean it since we all know DJ lives in Oklahoma...
If DJ said anything else to you, DJ, it was just to annoy you. :)

Wow, she didn't say that? I'm glad you have transcripts of all the chats I've had with DJ, Mr. All-Knowing. :roll2:

Great Rumbler
"Never seriously said", indicating that DJ was never serious in making you assume that she lived in Canada. Or something.

A Black Falcon
Yeah... while DJ might have 'said' it sometime, it was never even remotely serious, as compared to those two threads where DJ makes it VERY clear that Tulsa, Oklahoma, is where she lives. Very clear, as in all of the views DJ presents are obviously from that area... I guess it could all be made up, but its very unlikely.

Dark Jaguar
Look, just because I REALLY live in Oz doesn't mean the evidence doesn't directly point to me living in Okie land OB1!

And actually I'm fairly sure ABF does have transcripts of all my chats with you, since I've had a total of one short conversation with you alone.

My point is that nothing DJ has said about herself can be taken seriously unless one of us goes over there to verify it ourselves. She still won't say if she's a girl or not.

A Black Falcon
I disagree. Sure, DJ is evasive about many things, but this just isn't one of them! Given what you are saying I doubt you've actually read those two threads I linked... if you had I completely fail to see how you could deny that DJ lives in Oklahoma.

As for chats... I don't save them all. Only a few (generally really long ones), actually... not sure if the relevant ones were saved...

Dark Jaguar
Oh come on, you've taken my sense of humor and turned it into this weird character description of me just because you don't "get it".

The IP Address is: The host name is: Please click here to return to the thread.

Before this thread I wasn't convinced that DJ lives Oklahoma, but I have been pretty sure that she's a girl because of the evidence GR found. Now I'm not calling DJ a liar, just someone who likes to joke around and pull people's legs. I'm not going to believe anything soley based off of her "word" because I know better than that. Not that it really matters, though.

Yet again ABF turns a simple little discussion into a full-blown argument. :disgust:

Great Rumbler
Yet again ABF turns a simple little discussion into a full-blown argument.

He's a madman! A MADMAN!

He needs to get out more.

Haha, can you imagine what would happen if ABF got Boktai? :haha: He'd probably throw his GBA at the wall in disgust, yelling "damn you and your stupid sun gun! Video games are supposed to keep you inside, fools!!! I refuse to play outside!!".


A Black Falcon
Umm... no, OB1, its you who are making something that should be quite simple into a ridiculous arguement...

Of course, ABF. :rolleyes:

Great Rumbler
Boktai totally ripped off Aqua Teen Hunger Force.

Meatwad - "The bun is in your mind!"

Boktai - The sun is in your hand.

Holy crap you're right!

Oh crap...

I missed Aqua Teen last night!


Damn you, Sassy Girl!! Damn you to hell!!


That was a really great movie, BTW. Have you seen it yet? The Korean movie "My Sassy Girl". It's one of the best movies I've seen all year. Make sure to get the official "HK Director's cut" version which can be bought here ( It's the director's cut and has good subs, unlike the Korean DVD. Good overall DVD quality and the disc is really cheap.

Great Rumbler
My brother told me about that movie, he's going to buy it I think.

Last night's episode of ATHF was pretty funny, the Brak Show was pretty good too.

Frylock: You were reading "Butt Frenzy" again, weren't you?

Shake: What?! Of course not! Were'd you get an idea like that?

Hopefully it won't be long before they rerun that episode.

When are they going to start showing the Williams Street 'toons on other days besides sunday nights?

Great Rumbler
Yeah, they should show ATHF, Sealab, Space Ghost, Brak, and Harvery Birdman episodes during the week. Once a week isn't enough!!

Hopefully it won't be long before they rerun that episode.

Well, Season 3 is about 16 episodes long and that one was about episode 10.

A Black Falcon
DJ doesn't seem to understand why you are so doubtful... and neither do I. Sure, DJ isn't serious often... but she IS serious sometimes. I know. Oh, sure, in TC DJ isn't serious much... but its not like it never happens, and when it does I trust that she's telling the truth. As DJ said, when someone mistakes a joke for a serious comment she corrects them... in this matter all the facts are very clear. At least all the facts, if you care to look at them... it is near-impossible to come to any conclusion other than "DJ lives in Oklahoma" if you have read those two threads I linked!

Oh, and here's a secret -- sometimes DJ can discuss serious issues. Without joking or dodging the issue. It is true -- it's happened several times in MSN...

Bah, that's impossible.

And you're crazy.

Dark Jaguar
I'm fairly sure he's accepted it now and is in a jocular mood, so allow me to say... my spoon is too big...

Accepted what? That I didn't believe what you were telling me? I still don't!

You're not to be trusted... :suspect:

Sacred Jellybean
It's like this whole gender thing. She never gave us a straight answer as to whether or not she's a boy or a girl, but GR had enough evidence to prove it.

When did this happen? What evidence? :confused:

It's in the Emulation forum.

A Black Falcon
DJ... just ignore him, its just OB1 showing his phenominal ability to absolutely deny the truth when it is staring right at him from irrefutable evidence...

OB1... just because you don't see DJ be serious much does not mean it doesn't happen. Actually, when me and DJ chat in IM, its almost always serious (as in DJ doesn't constantly joke and stuff)... maybe you don't see that side of DJ, but I have and I definitely trust that when DJ says its a fact, without joking, that DJ means it...

Dark Jaguar
I think right now OB1's just joking actually.

Great Rumbler
It's hard to say really...

You guys are acting really strange. DJ is almost never serious and you can almost never take what she says seriously, so I don't know where you pulled this blind faith out of all of a sudden.

What is this "undeniable proof" you speak of? DJ's word alone? Come on now, don't tell me that you've learned nothing from knowing DJ for so long.

A Black Falcon
Yeah, I can't tell. I think he actually might be serious for some bizarre reason.

So now all of a sudden you believe every word that DJ says? You must have a pretty awful memory.

A Black Falcon
Umm... yes, when DJ says she is telling the truth I believe her... do I think DJ dodges a LOT of questions? Yes. Does DJ joke around a lot on the forum? Yes. Is it sometimes hard to tell if DJ is joking? Yes. But... does DJ almost always say "no, I was joking" when someone takes a joke for a fact? Yes. Does DJ dodge lots of issues to a very annoying degree? Yes. But sometimes DJ talks seriously about stuff... generally games, but sometimes other things. And when she does, I believe her! I have no reason to think otherwise... DJ doesn't LIE to people, she just seems to think people can always tell the jokes...

And when we talk in chat? If its just the two of us it'll generally be a serious, not humourous, disussion and I definitely trust that DJ is being truthful there. We've talked more than enough to get me to do that... and of course to get annoyed at the times DJ refuses to talk about some issue there might be contention about, but oh well... I can live with that if I must... and that really isn't the point here.

I really don't want to post some chat transcripts, but if I REALLY must I guess I could attach a few and prove to you that DJ DOES have the capability to talk about games without going off-subject... though you should know that from teh few conversations you've had in chat when DJ was there...

And OB1. I see absolutely no cause whatsoever to accuse DJ of lying in the two threads I linked to a while ago. Just go and read them and see that there is no sane way a literate human being could really suspect it of being lies.

And if you're joking... you sound serious. I don't know... both of you are hard to tell for me when you are joking... but DJ seems to be better at making it clear when its a joke, for sure.

Dark Jaguar
Well that last post makes me think he's totally serious... The two above it had me convinced he must have been joking because it was in the same style as some of mine, in the "I'll make a comment so incredibly ridiculous it'll be hilarious" way.

In my own defense, at most message boards it's a lot more obvious to everyone when I'm joking. Wow, how'd we get back here? I thought we all agreed my jokes were made of pure comedy goodness that's plain obvious to EVERYONE (this sentence is a joke).

And I have been serious about a good number of things even on the board, mainly with other people here though. When I find someone is arguing about something I said that I never had any intention of actually convincing anyone of (just wanting to state something is all I wanted, not defend it), I'll only kinda half-defend my views since I honestly don't care about it. Again, why defend something I don't care about? I honestly don't want to defend everything I say. I don't want every single statement I make to be a potential conflict. That gets so draining... and besides that it's rude to just keep up the constant badgering of every word someone says. Yes, this statement is serious.

I always mix my seriuosness and humor. It's rather obvious to most where the difference lies, even to ABF here (who does have trouble) it's obvious when I am being serious, just not when I'm joking if it's actually serious or not, or something like that I think. The two need not be mutually exclusive after all.

I believe I've done a very good job of making it very clear when I'm joking as of late anyway. The confusion hasn't come up in a few weeks (though to be honest I've stayed pretty much the same elsewhere online since this is a uniquely TC "problem"). You say you aren't accusing me of lying, but to be honest I can't see your statements that you can't trust a single word I say as anything other than that. I am forced to assume you are being polite, like you are saying "well, I know you don't THINK you are lying" or some other backhanded Hank-Hill-istic attempt at being nice about it.

Now then, I am just about to "run away" as you call it from this particular thingymawatchit. Before I was just lightly commenting on things not really all that into the conversation (not joking or anything, but not really caring), but now it seems you really are looking to start something. Before I do this, I must state that my reasons are very simple. I refuse to continue in a debate that leads to nowhere. I believe I defended myself well enough, but you won't budge at all. Why should I stay again? This isn't fun at all really. If you take back one thing you believe in your next post, I'll return because it shows this is going somewhere.

Here begins my reasons for not joining in on a lot of debates here (though I do join in many debates at places like the message boards, which I suggest you visit as proof of my claims that I actually like debating :D).

As I've said before, I find arguments with a lack of any logic to be very aggrivating. Now, I hardly use that much logic most of the time myself, not that it's my goal, but sometimes I do. In those cases, I am met with a totally blank response to my arguments like they weren't even said, and generally the very thing I went about debunking is just said again, as a counterargument of all things. For instance, the infamous abortion debate. Generally, during those times when I bother using logic myself and ask for my points to be addressed, I am met with "well your points are stupid for reasons I can't explain because they are so stupid", which is hardly a counter-argument at all. Had I made a point that really couldn't have been argued logically due to being fully illogical, it would actually be easy to point out WHY it was so illogical. For instance, you could have pointed out I was using circular reasoning, or being too arbitrary, or so on. Rather, no actual reasons for it being silly are given, and it's just stated as fact with no logical deconstruction. This isn't to say every single argument you make is illogical. Far from it. You two often do make very valid points at the start, but rather than go after the points themselves addressing any flaws inherant in them, or maybe even acknowledging that no real debate can take place because in this case the statements aren't really logical points but rather just opinion, you just argue. For instance, the controller comfort debate. It started out FAIRLY logical, for instance the listings of friends who like one over the other (using popularity of design as the standard for determining comfort in that case). It then quickly fell apart when it came down to just "but you can't like it because the buttons are all mushed together" type stuff.

Now, I won't say you have to change that, because you two say you LOVE it. It's the fact that you attack me for leaving those debates that annoys me. You acknowledge these very things yourselfs and relish in it, and hey I can see the fun in it because it's just plain hilarious to watch you two go at it (as I imagine it must be when I mistakingly get involved). However, when I just get annoyed at it and leave, it's become this ritual to insult me for it, as though I'm not "standing up for what I believe in". A rather silly thing to say after you acknowledge that it's a meaningless argument for fun isn't it?

In any case, I propose these two things be done. First, allow me to leave an argument you two are having without any comments on my character or whatever. If I feel it's best for me to just stay out of it, so be it. Even though ABF thinks not sharing one's opinions is somehow actually rude, it's not. Keeping one's thoughts to one's self is perfectly polite in every single situation except of course where it's your JOB to give your opinion on something. Secondly, I'll try to make it clearer when I'm joking or not IF, OB1 (since ABF doesn't seem to be having a problem understanding me any more since I made it a bit more obvious as of late), you go ahead and trust me a little more. You have no reason to of course. Not for the reasons you've come up with, but because I'm an anonymous blob online and you can't really proove a thing I say to be true or false, which in other words means I'm about as trustworthy as anyone else here, save Laser Link who you actually met in the corporeal world. I always say when I'm joking if a misunderstanding takes place like right after it happens. If I'm serious and others take me seriously, I don't say I'm joking. Easy enough, since I haven't said "Oh please I was just joking about living in Oklahoma", then you can assume I was stating it as a serious fact. From there, it's up to you whether or not you believe me even when I'm serious.

Now then, see? I can be serious sometimes, but even here I worked some jokes in (making it very clear what was and wasn't a joke). Let's put this whole half-year long debacle behind us now. It's been too long since that first weird confusion happened.

(Oh, one final note. Yes, I do dodge a lot of questions by joking. I do this for two reasons. One, I find keeping secrets amusing in and of itself, and two, often I don't have an answer to said question to begin with.)

Good Lord, you people are taking this way to seriously. This whole thing started when I said that I finally found enough evidence for myself that DJ lives in Oklahoma after not believing her for so many months and then stupid-ass ABF here comes out and says "How can you NOT believe her ITS not like SHE ever JOKES AROUND she's SERIOUS and the EVIDENCE is right BEFORE you and IM the biggest IDIOT in the whole WIDE WORLD" and I'm just sitting here going "what the fuck are you talking about, stupid? Why is this suddenly a debate??".

Of course I didn't believe DJ when she said that she lives in Oklahoma, as she jokes around about this stuff all of the time. When I'd ask her if she lives over there she'd always dodge the question, which of course made me believe that she was joking about it. I've never seen her act serious in any msn chat and she's rarely ever serious over here. Perhaps she's serious with you, ABF, which might be because you lack any sort of sense of humor.

Really ABF, you need to take that giant stick out of your ass and go outside once in a while.

Dark Jaguar
So you finally believe me eh? Not once did you say above that you "finally found enough evidence to believe me", but rather you said you doubt every single statement I made. That's the only way I could interpret it anyway. You were the one being way too serious about it.

Well, chock it up to an idiotic misunderstanding.

A Black Falcon
All the chatlogs I've got with Dj are most all serious... because its just more interesting to discuss things seriously!

And OB1... no, I'd hardly say that reacting badly when you say "I can never trust anything DJ has ever said" is "taking it to seriously"! That's a major accusation... and just not called for... of course it deserves a reaction!

Next... why does everyone think its so funny to watch me and OB1 debate? I don't really see that at all... sure, most of the subjects are almost wholly subjective and yet we debate them anyway... but oh well, I see nothing wrong with arguing about points of view. :)

Also... you use the abortion debate as an example, of all things? The only thing I'd use that as an example of is "what you get when you argue about a subject where neither side can even agree on the terms of the arguement so it very quickly devolves into circular yelling"... that's just about the worst and least successful (as a actual debate) that we've ever had... your question, if I remember it, seemed innocent on the surface but the very act of me answering it required me to admit that the other side is right! No way would I do that!

Also... we sometimes DO end our debates with a resolution and not just 'we're tired of arguing now'... sure, the latter is common, but its not like we never get anywhere...

Also, you just wouldn't know about how much logic is involved. You are NEVER there! You never read the actual arguements! How in the world can you judge it without much of any basis to judge it on!

And finally... debates are always better with more people involved. It helps keep them from just going to 'this is right, no this is, no this is' in circles since there are more points of view... one big reason that many of our debages go that way is BECAUSE no one else is there... but that fact makes a lot of you stay away... its a viscious circle that I don't see a way out of, unfortunately. :(

And OB1... no, I'd hardly say that reacting badly when you say "I can never trust anything DJ has ever said" is "taking it to seriously"! That's a major accusation... and just not called for... of course it deserves a reaction!

It's uncalled for??! Which idiot died and put you in charge of defending DJ's character?? DJ always jokes and misleads people when it comes to her own personal information, so the only logical thing one can do is to simply stop believing everything that she says about herself and take it as a joke.

Now you are starting to become more annoying than DJ.

No offence, DJ, but you can be extremely annoying sometimes.

Dark Jaguar
I actually read a lot of your debates sometimes. God knows why... I just never say anything. You're right, but most of your arguments just don't interest us. It doesn't help that whenever someone tries joining in, you both have to have your own say about every single comment, which I imagine can annoy people, and the 3rd member of the argument kinda gets pushed out.

That's ABF's fault. I love having more people join in on debates... as long as they're on my side. :p

Great Rumbler
I wish I got a dollar everytime DJ said a joke.

You'd be a trillionaire.

A Black Falcon
That's ABF's fault. I love having more people join in on debates... as long as they're on my side.

My fault? No, its your fault! At least its your fault just as much as it is mine... :)

It's uncalled for??! Which idiot died and put you in charge of defending DJ's character?? DJ always jokes and misleads people when it comes to her own personal information, so the only logical thing one can do is to simply stop believing everything that she says about herself and take it as a joke.

Always? No. Often? Yes, but not always... and as DJ said, if its not clear when she's joking DJ always says something to make it clear! And DJ made this quite clear... and had many times in the past, too...

I actually read a lot of your debates sometimes. God knows why... I just never say anything. You're right, but most of your arguments just don't interest us. It doesn't help that whenever someone tries joining in, you both have to have your own say about every single comment, which I imagine can annoy people, and the 3rd member of the argument kinda gets pushed out.

That's usually not true... it can help sometimes... but as for the type of debates, I don't see how you could be uninterested in all the kinds of things we debate and be at a gaming forum, given how we debate all kinds of gaming-related topics...

And I just don't see how you can think that making a point and not backing it up is a fine way to go. See, no one is completely objective and perfect! There'll always be issues other people have with any position! Backing down and quitting... I can't see any other way to say that other than 'you don't want to argue the point anymore' followed by 'and thus you conceed that you are wrong'... I just don't see how making a contentious point and not backing it up makes any sense at all and puts any serious backing behind your point or position!

Dark Jaguar
Clever OB1, how long did it take you to come up with that one? And, I never intend to actually mislead. I just am very fuzzy. It's YOUR fault if you actually interpret my total lack of any actual statement as info in those cases. I mean, you ARE OB1, you should know more than anyone what it's like to be hazy on a topic Mr. "Your father died a long time ago"!

One minute ABF is talking about how he never knows when DJ is serious, and now the fool is actually trying to prove to me that it's obvious when she's serious. :roll2:

Oh, how stupid you people* are. :grumpy:

*ABF for not noticing how DJ isn't being serious in a topic about how she's never serious

A Black Falcon
Uhh... I don't get you, OB1... you don't seem to be on the same topic as DJ and I.

I already said... I definitely have trouble telling when DJ is joking sometimes. That is true. Sometimes its obvious, like the posts in serious threads that are just made to try to 'add humor' (and are usually annoying in a serious discussion), sure... but not always, for me. But as I said... when DJ isn't serious and I mistake it as being serious DJ says so afterwards to correct it, pretty much every time! And when its just the two of us the discussion generally IS serious so that isn't a problem...

I never said it was obvious when DJ was serious! DJ said that... sorta, I think... :)

*ABF for not noticing how DJ isn't being serious in a topic about how she's never serious

Um, sorry, but DJ is being serious quite a lot in this thread.

She's been joking throughout the entire thread! Are you reallt that blind??

A Black Falcon
You actually think that DJ is joking when she clearly and directly says that she isn't? Uhh... no, I would never agree with that statement...

Oh brother. :rolleyes:

Just re-read this whole thread, you blind fool!

Dark Jaguar
Wow, you used to take me seriously even when I was joking. Now you think I'm joking even when I'm serious.

A Black Falcon
Yeah, its quite bizarre, DJ... I can't understand it. Sure, you don't like to be direct in the forums much at all, but I'd think that'd make it more clear that when you finally ARE that you mean it! I just don't get him... does he actually think that you were lying in this whole thread? That that two-screens-long post was invented and not sincere? Bizarre...

When I read this thread I see OB1 idiotically trying to deny that someone who is telling the truth is telling the truth, then saying that you don't belive a word they say and that that isn't blaming them of lying (while what it is doing is saying that you think DJ is lying 100% of the time and can never tell the truth... which is a really terrible thing to say... especially when all the prof shows you wrong.

This is being serious???

I'm fairly sure he's accepted it now and is in a jocular mood, so allow me to say... my spoon is too big...

I mean, you ARE OB1, you should know more than anyone what it's like to be hazy on a topic Mr. "Your father died a long time ago"!

Look, just because I REALLY live in Oz doesn't mean the evidence doesn't directly point to me living in Okie land OB1!

The IP Address is: The host name is: Please click here to return to the thread.

Dark Jaguar
Um, no. None of that was serious. As I've said, I joke while being serious too. What's wrong with that? You do it all the time yourself. Oh, well the last one was a joking way to get an actual point across (which I do a lot as well) since you seemed to lack the ability to check IP addresses temporarily. The first one was me seriously thinking you were joking, and thus I decided to join in by joking myself. The second one was a Star Wars joke. It was funny. The 3rd was me being silly.

I usually mix in jokes with my serious comments, but all the ones you listed were plainly obvious, to both you and ABF. Only, you took them to mean my entire post must have been joking as well, which I have to say is a first. Hey, I mean everyone at this message board mixes in jokes with serious comments. Why not go after them?

Private Hudson

A Black Falcon
OB1... yes, those were mostly not serious (the first one was serious, or at least the first half of it was...), but as DJ says she mixes serious and joke together... in THIS thread for me at least the difference has been very clear... I'm surprised that you can't see it. It seems obvious to me...

Okay... OB1, go and actually READ DJ's two-page post a while back. Then come back. That should answer your questiuons... DJ says in that post

I always mix my seriuosness and humor. It's rather obvious to most where the difference lies, even to ABF here (who does have trouble) it's obvious when I am being serious, just not when I'm joking if it's actually serious or not, or something like that I think. The two need not be mutually exclusive after all.

I recommend you read that post... because if you did you sure didn't pay any attention to what it was saying...

Oh, and I'm sure that expecting DJ to respond to my response to that post is way too much to ask. :(

ABF, we've already established several times in the past that you are a souless automaton who doesn't even know the meaning of the word "joke", so don't try to tell me when someone is joking or not.

There's nothing wrong with you joking, DJ, I was just pointing out to Captain Doofus here that in the thread about whether or not you're joking or serious most of the time, most of your posts are jokes! That completely flew by ABF.

A Black Falcon
You just aren't getting it at all, are you OB1... not one bit... oh well, I've pretty much given up. You clearly aren't interested in getting it...

"most of his posts are jokes"? You just don't understand DJ at all! As DJ said... yes, there are jokes in the posts, but there is serious stuff too! Together... and even I can tell which is which!


You just refused to admit that she's been adding jokes to her posts throughout this entire thread, and now you're finally admitting that you were wrong, albeit in your own weird way.

Dark Jaguar
Um, I don't think ABF ever said I wasn't adding any jokes. He was just saying I was also being serious and not joking about absolutly everything. You know, the biggest illusion people have about communication often enough is that it's been accomplished :D. When are we finally going to learn to communicate via pure thought?

You're so-called seriousness is pretty pointless when you mix it up with a joke. Nothing you have said in this thread (except for that rant about debates) has been very serious.

A Black Falcon
Pointless? How exactly is making serious points "pointless" if you add humor? I don't see anything wrong with that... and most of what she said was serious! Sure, DJ added in some jokes, but that hardly detracted at all from the main points that were made, very clearly and seriously... and I just see absolutely no way to say that DJ hasn't been very serious here. If you honestly think that you are badly deluded...

Now I know why some people call this a "no you're wrong and I'm right" match. Except that this time I'm actually explaining how DJ's points cannot be taken to seriously because they are filled with so much sarcasm and joking. You're just saying "No, you're deluded!". Some of the things she says can be taken seriously, but those moments are few and far between. When she says things like "Yeah I really have blonde hair, but you should be aware that not all cows can jump over the moon", it's hard to take the sort-of serious part seriously.

A Black Falcon
Going back to the bottom post listed in the 'create post' page.

Umm... you just aren't making any sense at all... so because DJ in many cases finishes a statement with a joke I should think that the serious comments that come before it are lies? That makes no sense! As DJ said, she mixes jokes and serious stuff... and in this thread the line is very clear. Usually its been serious comments followed by a joke... which doesn't affect the point of the serious comment whatsoever...

I'm fairly sure he's accepted it now and is in a jocular mood, so allow me to say... my spoon is too big...

SHe thought you were joking about it so made a seroious comment followed with a joke.

I think right now OB1's just joking actually.


Well that last post makes me think he's totally serious... The two above it had me convinced he must have been joking because it was in the same style as some of mine, in the "I'll make a comment so incredibly ridiculous it'll be hilarious" way.

In my own defense, at most message boards it's a lot more obvious to everyone when I'm joking. Wow, how'd we get back here? I thought we all agreed my jokes were made of pure comedy goodness that's plain obvious to EVERYONE (this sentence is a joke).

And I have been serious about a good number of things even on the board, mainly with other people here though. When I find someone is arguing about something I said that I never had any intention of actually convincing anyone of (just wanting to state something is all I wanted, not defend it), I'll only kinda half-defend my views since I honestly don't care about it. Again, why defend something I don't care about? I honestly don't want to defend everything I say. I don't want every single statement I make to be a potential conflict. That gets so draining... and besides that it's rude to just keep up the constant badgering of every word someone says. Yes, this statement is serious.

I always mix my seriuosness and humor. It's rather obvious to most where the difference lies, even to ABF here (who does have trouble) it's obvious when I am being serious, just not when I'm joking if it's actually serious or not, or something like that I think. The two need not be mutually exclusive after all.

I believe I've done a very good job of making it very clear when I'm joking as of late anyway. The confusion hasn't come up in a few weeks (though to be honest I've stayed pretty much the same elsewhere online since this is a uniquely TC "problem"). You say you aren't accusing me of lying, but to be honest I can't see your statements that you can't trust a single word I say as anything other than that. I am forced to assume you are being polite, like you are saying "well, I know you don't THINK you are lying" or some other backhanded Hank-Hill-istic attempt at being nice about it.

Now then, I am just about to "run away" as you call it from this particular thingymawatchit. Before I was just lightly commenting on things not really all that into the conversation (not joking or anything, but not really caring), but now it seems you really are looking to start something. Before I do this, I must state that my reasons are very simple. I refuse to continue in a debate that leads to nowhere. I believe I defended myself well enough, but you won't budge at all. Why should I stay again? This isn't fun at all really. If you take back one thing you believe in your next post, I'll return because it shows this is going somewhere.

Here begins my reasons for not joining in on a lot of debates here (though I do join in many debates at places like the message boards, which I suggest you visit as proof of my claims that I actually like debating ).

As I've said before, I find arguments with a lack of any logic to be very aggrivating. Now, I hardly use that much logic most of the time myself, not that it's my goal, but sometimes I do. In those cases, I am met with a totally blank response to my arguments like they weren't even said, and generally the very thing I went about debunking is just said again, as a counterargument of all things. For instance, the infamous abortion debate. Generally, during those times when I bother using logic myself and ask for my points to be addressed, I am met with "well your points are stupid for reasons I can't explain because they are so stupid", which is hardly a counter-argument at all. Had I made a point that really couldn't have been argued logically due to being fully illogical, it would actually be easy to point out WHY it was so illogical. For instance, you could have pointed out I was using circular reasoning, or being too arbitrary, or so on. Rather, no actual reasons for it being silly are given, and it's just stated as fact with no logical deconstruction. This isn't to say every single argument you make is illogical. Far from it. You two often do make very valid points at the start, but rather than go after the points themselves addressing any flaws inherant in them, or maybe even acknowledging that no real debate can take place because in this case the statements aren't really logical points but rather just opinion, you just argue. For instance, the controller comfort debate. It started out FAIRLY logical, for instance the listings of friends who like one over the other (using popularity of design as the standard for determining comfort in that case). It then quickly fell apart when it came down to just "but you can't like it because the buttons are all mushed together" type stuff.

Now, I won't say you have to change that, because you two say you LOVE it. It's the fact that you attack me for leaving those debates that annoys me. You acknowledge these very things yourselfs and relish in it, and hey I can see the fun in it because it's just plain hilarious to watch you two go at it (as I imagine it must be when I mistakingly get involved). However, when I just get annoyed at it and leave, it's become this ritual to insult me for it, as though I'm not "standing up for what I believe in". A rather silly thing to say after you acknowledge that it's a meaningless argument for fun isn't it?

In any case, I propose these two things be done. First, allow me to leave an argument you two are having without any comments on my character or whatever. If I feel it's best for me to just stay out of it, so be it. Even though ABF thinks not sharing one's opinions is somehow actually rude, it's not. Keeping one's thoughts to one's self is perfectly polite in every single situation except of course where it's your JOB to give your opinion on something. Secondly, I'll try to make it clearer when I'm joking or not IF, OB1 (since ABF doesn't seem to be having a problem understanding me any more since I made it a bit more obvious as of late), you go ahead and trust me a little more. You have no reason to of course. Not for the reasons you've come up with, but because I'm an anonymous blob online and you can't really proove a thing I say to be true or false, which in other words means I'm about as trustworthy as anyone else here, save Laser Link who you actually met in the corporeal world. I always say when I'm joking if a misunderstanding takes place like right after it happens. If I'm serious and others take me seriously, I don't say I'm joking. Easy enough, since I haven't said "Oh please I was just joking about living in Oklahoma", then you can assume I was stating it as a serious fact. From there, it's up to you whether or not you believe me even when I'm serious.

Now then, see? I can be serious sometimes, but even here I worked some jokes in (making it very clear what was and wasn't a joke). Let's put this whole half-year long debacle behind us now. It's been too long since that first weird confusion happened.

(Oh, one final note. Yes, I do dodge a lot of questions by joking. I do this for two reasons. One, I find keeping secrets amusing in and of itself, and two, often I don't have an answer to said question to begin with.)

Mostly serious, but some jokes mixed in. They don't change the points the post makes, for sure... nor should they make anyone ignore DJ's interesting points just because there are a few non-serious lines mixed in...

So you finally believe me eh? Not once did you say above that you "finally found enough evidence to believe me", but rather you said you doubt every single statement I made. That's the only way I could interpret it anyway. You were the one being way too serious about it.


I actually read a lot of your debates sometimes. God knows why... I just never say anything. You're right, but most of your arguments just don't interest us. It doesn't help that whenever someone tries joining in, you both have to have your own say about every single comment, which I imagine can annoy people, and the 3rd member of the argument kinda gets pushed out.


Clever OB1, how long did it take you to come up with that one? And, I never intend to actually mislead. I just am very fuzzy. It's YOUR fault if you actually interpret my total lack of any actual statement as info in those cases. I mean, you ARE OB1, you should know more than anyone what it's like to be hazy on a topic Mr. "Your father died a long time ago"!

Serious comment, then joke. Doesn't change meaning at all.

Wow, you used to take me seriously even when I was joking. Now you think I'm joking even when I'm serious.


Um, no. None of that was serious. As I've said, I joke while being serious too. What's wrong with that? You do it all the time yourself. Oh, well the last one was a joking way to get an actual point across (which I do a lot as well) since you seemed to lack the ability to check IP addresses temporarily. The first one was me seriously thinking you were joking, and thus I decided to join in by joking myself. The second one was a Star Wars joke. It was funny. The 3rd was me being silly.


Um, I don't think ABF ever said I wasn't adding any jokes. He was just saying I was also being serious and not joking about absolutly everything. You know, the biggest illusion people have about communication often enough is that it's been accomplished . When are we finally going to learn to communicate via pure thought?


Great Rumbler
This thread is very confusing and by confusing I mean fully action-packed with a carmel center.

Ok my turn:

Look, just because I REALLY live in Oz doesn't mean the evidence doesn't directly point to me living in Okie land OB1!

And actually I'm fairly sure ABF does have transcripts of all my chats with you, since I've had a total of one short conversation with you alone.

Joking. A little bit of seriousness at the end, although it's difficult to tell.

Oh come on, you've taken my sense of humor and turned it into this weird character description of me just because you don't "get it".

The IP Address is: The host name is: Please click here to return to the thread.

Sort of serious then joking.

I'm fairly sure he's accepted it now and is in a jocular mood, so allow me to say... my spoon is too big...

Serious and joking. Can't be taken seriously because of the joke.

Clever OB1, how long did it take you to come up with that one? And, I never intend to actually mislead. I just am very fuzzy. It's YOUR fault if you actually interpret my total lack of any actual statement as info in those cases. I mean, you ARE OB1, you should know more than anyone what it's like to be hazy on a topic Mr. "Your father died a long time ago"!

Barely serious. Joking.

Um, I don't think ABF ever said I wasn't adding any jokes. He was just saying I was also being serious and not joking about absolutly everything. You know, the biggest illusion people have about communication often enough is that it's been accomplished . When are we finally going to learn to communicate via pure thought?

Sort of serious, then joking.

You see, ABF? You obviously have a piss-poor memory otherwise I wouldn't have to be explaining all of this to you, but then of course you wouldn't be ABF if you did make sense.

DJ is almost never serious, and since her jokes are supposedly mixed with her seriousness you cannot take anything she says to be really serious, even when she starts arguments. Why do I respond to her sometimes as if she were serious? Because that's the way you play these kinds of games. Either you play along or get bored of it and ignore them.

You of course lack certain key human emotions so you get confused from time to time. One day you'll be frustrated with how you can't tell when she's joking or being serious, and then the next day you'll be defending her "clear and concise line between joking and seriousness". IMO you have a tinge of schizophrenia to you, but I'm no doctor so what do I know. I on the other hand am usually consistent with my point of views and don't simply change them on a whim like you do. I need a reason to change an opinion on something. Nothing here has made me think differently about the way DJ conducts herself at Tendo City. The only thing that has changed is just how crazy I think you are.

*psst!* It's gone way up!

Dark Jaguar
How I.. conduct myself? What's that supposed to mean?

Yeesh, there's no convincing you. You haven't budged one bit in this whole thing.

Well, just for your sakes since you hate it when I leave, I'll go ahead and utterly destroy your arguments once again.

Look, ABF totally got what my intentions were in the various quotes of mine. I took extra care to MAKE it plainly obvious. You on the other hand are so afraid of me yelling at you for thinking it's a joke you assume that because a FEW comments were jokes you can't take the whole thing seriously. There's a clear line there. You're nutsburgers!

Oh, and why can YOU say jokes in the middle of your serious stuff and I can't? Should I assume your last post was all a joke because some of it was?

I'm not joking most of the time while you are. It's like trying to take Jim Carrey seriously. He always jokes around and does that "serious-but-really joking" thing that you often do, so whenever he's genuinly serious very few people believe it. That's what happens when you're joking 95% of the time.

Yeah, great job of "utterly destroying" my arguments. :roll2: The funniest part is that you added "again" to that statement, even though you've never stuck around in a debate long enough to destroy anyone's arguments. You just make one long rant and then leave, covering your ears and humming like a little child which makes you think that you've "won". Yup, you sure do have great debating skills! And that's not sarcasm! *wink wink, nudge nudge*

Great Rumbler
Okay, I have this teacher, right? He's exactly like this. He jokes ALL the time. Sometimes he tell you a story with a completely straight face and then when you believe him he throws the punchline at you and it turns out that everything he told you was a joke. Then, he'll try to tell you a serious story, but you can't tell if he's really serious or not because he tells jokes all the time!!

Dark Jaguar
Was it a history teacher, because I think I had the same guy.

Yeah, I was going to actually go point by point, but got lazy and didn't delete that sentence.

Anyway, being that other people, most people, CAN tell. It's not on me, it's on you. It's your own fault if you can't tell the diff. Just admit it.

Private Hudson
Jim Carey was great in the Truman Show and The Majestic. Not to mention Man on the Moon.

You couldn't take him serious?

Although he did act kind of goofy in two of those movies, that didn't lessen the impact of the dramatic portions of the films.

Dark Jaguar
Well, it's the world against OB1 (plus one guy who plays devil's advocate all the time but he's cool). I'm just going to look, over here now. *slips out back door*

Yert again DJ shows how completely incompetent she is when it comes to debating.

Listen to GR, his example was perfect. I'm talking about Jim Carrey in real life, not Jim Carrey in the movies. He has done some dramatic movies before and it worked because you went in knowing that he would be serious. But if you look at him in real-life interviews you can never tell when he's being serious or not because he's almost always being funny.

ABF is the only one siding with you DJ, not the "whole word" as you are trying to convince yourself of. And ABF is siding with you is because he is certifiably insane. It doesn't matter what the topic is, he'll just change his views depending on who he wants to disagree with. You should not be proud to have him on your side because he'll turn around and argue the the complete opposite if he feels like it.

A Black Falcon
OB1... its amazing that you continue to show how stupid and unobservant (I know I have problems in this category, which is why must be REALLY bad when even I see it...) you are.

First. DJ is being more serious in this thread than usual. Must I repeat that again? DJ is being more serious than usual (for the forum of course). The fact that there are jokes in the serious points only shows that DJ is unable to make serious points on this forum without resorting to humor... not a bad thing, really, just a fact you need to accept...

Now, it sometimes does become a problem, as I have said... DJ always seems to think that its obvious, but in many cases it is not. But, as I have said, DJ always corrects it! And more often than not its clear... usually clearly not serious, but clear.

ABF is the only one siding with you DJ, not the "whole word" as you are trying to convince yourself of. And ABF is siding with you is because he is certifiably insane. It doesn't matter what the topic is, he'll just change his views depending on who he wants to disagree with. You should not be proud to have him on your side because he'll turn around and argue the the complete opposite if he feels like it.

That's just not true and you really should know it... I don't change my positions based on who I want to argue with! I base them on what I see as the facts... just like everyone should...

Okay, I have this teacher, right? He's exactly like this. He jokes ALL the time. Sometimes he tell you a story with a completely straight face and then when you believe him he throws the punchline at you and it turns out that everything he told you was a joke. Then, he'll try to tell you a serious story, but you can't tell if he's really serious or not because he tells jokes all the time!!

But if he tells you when they are jokes and when they aren't (even afterwards)...

Look, ABF totally got what my intentions were in the various quotes of mine. I took extra care to MAKE it plainly obvious. You on the other hand are so afraid of me yelling at you for thinking it's a joke you assume that because a FEW comments were jokes you can't take the whole thing seriously. There's a clear line there. You're nutsburgers!

Oh, and why can YOU say jokes in the middle of your serious stuff and I can't? Should I assume your last post was all a joke because some of it was?

DJ, your last point is great. OB1 does stuff like this all the time too... and I'd say that his stuff is even harder to figure out than yours...

And now we show how OB1 is looking more and more like a total fool with every 'refute' to the obvious.

Look, just because I REALLY live in Oz doesn't mean the evidence doesn't directly point to me living in Okie land OB1!

And actually I'm fairly sure ABF does have transcripts of all my chats with you, since I've had a total of one short conversation with you alone.

Joking. A little bit of seriousness at the end, although it's difficult to tell.

Nope. Its very clear that the first part is a joke and the second part serious. 'A little bit'? Uhh... no, that second section is completely serious...

Oh come on, you've taken my sense of humor and turned it into this weird character description of me just because you don't "get it".

The IP Address is: The host name is: Please click here to return to the thread.

Sort of serious then joking.

Serious and then joking. 'sort of'? There is no 'sort of' there.

I'm fairly sure he's accepted it now and is in a jocular mood, so allow me to say... my spoon is too big...

Serious and joking. Can't be taken seriously because of the joke.

Sorry, but you totally got that one wrong. DJ honestly thought that you were joking about this and thus that it was over... so like DJ does, she made a joke...

Clever OB1, how long did it take you to come up with that one? And, I never intend to actually mislead. I just am very fuzzy. It's YOUR fault if you actually interpret my total lack of any actual statement as info in those cases. I mean, you ARE OB1, you should know more than anyone what it's like to be hazy on a topic Mr. "Your father died a long time ago"!

Barely serious. Joking.

Very serious statement followed by a Star Wars joke... which he thought you, of all people, would appreciate...

Um, I don't think ABF ever said I wasn't adding any jokes. He was just saying I was also being serious and not joking about absolutly everything. You know, the biggest illusion people have about communication often enough is that it's been accomplished . When are we finally going to learn to communicate via pure thought?

All serious. That last part could be considered a joke, or a comment about how frusterated DJ is over your refusal to understand how she communicates... I'd call it the latter, for sure.

You see, ABF? You obviously have a piss-poor memory otherwise I wouldn't have to be explaining all of this to you, but then of course you wouldn't be ABF if you did make sense.

DJ is almost never serious, and since her jokes are supposedly mixed with her seriousness you cannot take anything she says to be really serious, even when she starts arguments. Why do I respond to her sometimes as if she were serious? Because that's the way you play these kinds of games. Either you play along or get bored of it and ignore them.

You of course lack certain key human emotions so you get confused from time to time. One day you'll be frustrated with how you can't tell when she's joking or being serious, and then the next day you'll be defending her "clear and concise line between joking and seriousness". IMO you have a tinge of schizophrenia to you, but I'm no doctor so what do I know. I on the other hand am usually consistent with my point of views and don't simply change them on a whim like you do. I need a reason to change an opinion on something. Nothing here has made me think differently about the way DJ conducts herself at Tendo City. The only thing that has changed is just how crazy I think you are.

Its the very fact that unlike usual DJ is crystal clear in this thread about what is joke and what is not that makes me defend it... I'd never pretend to say that DJ always makes it clear, because its obvious that that is not the case, but IN THIS THREAD DJ is. Very clearly. The only reason you can't see that is because of your standard absolute stubborn way beyond the point of no return refusal to ever accept that your own personal impressions of things are not necessarially accurate...

And, of course, your near-total lack of IM chats with DJ like I have that prove beyond any doubt that DJ is fully capable of being serious when she wants to be. Like here.

Is DJ being serious, usually, when she posts arguements in threads? Often, I have no idea... I guess if it sounds logical I'll take it as truth, but plenty of times that is wrong. I do wish DJ would make it more clear when starting or entering a debate (and making what sound like logical arguements and not just jokes), of course! I definitely wish that DJ would be as clear about what is joke and what is not in other threads as she is being here! It would help a lot...

OB1... its amazing that you continue to show how stupid and unobservant (I know I have problems in this category, which is why must be REALLY bad when even I see it...) you are.

First. DJ is being more serious in this thread than usual. Must I repeat that again? DJ is being more serious than usual (for the forum of course). The fact that there are jokes in the serious points only shows that DJ is unable to make serious points on this forum without resorting to humor... not a bad thing, really, just a fact you need to accept...

Now, it sometimes does become a problem, as I have said... DJ always seems to think that its obvious, but in many cases it is not. But, as I have said, DJ always corrects it! And more often than not its clear... usually clearly not serious, but clear.

You are extremely naive. The way DJ has been acting in this thread leads me to believe that she's playing you, yet you don't see that. It's like the boy who cried wolf. After never showing any sort of seriousness for so long there's no way I can believe her so soon. You sir, are the stupid one.

That's just not true and you really should know it... I don't change my positions based on who I want to argue with! I base them on what I see as the facts... just like everyone should.../quote]

Oh please, you do that all of the time. You're very inconsitent with your views, for the most part.

[quote]But if he tells you when they are jokes and when they aren't (even afterwards)...

Alright, here's another analogy for you.

Let's say you have a neighbor who always throws pies at you whenever you walk out your door. Every single time you walk out that door that neighbor throws a pie at you and you try to dodge it. Then one day when you're about to walk outside your door he yells at you that he's not going to throw anymore pies, and tries his best to sound sincere. What would you do? Believe him and walk outside calmly, or not trust him and run outside in preparation of a pie attack? I would run away.

You get the idea.

DJ, your last point is great. OB1 does stuff like this all the time too... and I'd say that his stuff is even harder to figure out than yours...

And now we show how OB1 is looking more and more like a total fool with every 'refute' to the obvious.

I'm actually serious most of the time here, since most of my posts are devoted to stupid debates with you. So you are wrong, like always.

Nope. Its very clear that the first part is a joke and the second part serious. 'A little bit'? Uhh... no, that second section is completely serious...

Wait, you think she's serious about you saving the chat transcripts? Who the hell saves chat transcripts??

Serious and then joking. 'sort of'? There is no 'sort of' there.

Sort of because it sounds just like DJ when she's being fake serious.

Sorry, but you totally got that one wrong. DJ honestly thought that you were joking about this and thus that it was over... so like DJ does, she made a joke...

She always says that, even when she knows it's not true.

Very serious statement followed by a Star Wars joke... which he thought you, of all people, would appreciate...

I appreciated the joke, but didn't believe it to be serious! The way she wrote was too ABF-style serious, which is not in her character. It looked like she was mocking you, sort of.

All serious. That last part could be considered a joke, or a comment about how frusterated DJ is over your refusal to understand how she communicates... I'd call it the latter, for sure.

It's a joke to express her feelings! That's what she does!

Its the very fact that unlike usual DJ is crystal clear in this thread about what is joke and what is not that makes me defend it... I'd never pretend to say that DJ always makes it clear, because its obvious that that is not the case, but IN THIS THREAD DJ is. Very clearly. The only reason you can't see that is because of your standard absolute stubborn way beyond the point of no return refusal to ever accept that your own personal impressions of things are not necessarially accurate...

And, of course, your near-total lack of IM chats with DJ like I have that prove beyond any doubt that DJ is fully capable of being serious when she wants to be. Like here.

Is DJ being serious, usually, when she posts arguements in threads? Often, I have no idea... I guess if it sounds logical I'll take it as truth, but plenty of times that is wrong. I do wish DJ would make it more clear when starting or entering a debate (and making what sound like logical arguements and not just jokes), of course! I definitely wish that DJ would be as clear about what is joke and what is not in other threads as she is being here! It would help a lot...

Like I said before, I'm not as naive as you are! If someone acts a particular way on a consitent basis for an extended period of time, I don't immediately accept it when they do the exact opposite.

A Black Falcon
I should just say 'you clearly don't get it and won't get it so I won't say anything', but I just can't... :)

You are extremely naive. The way DJ has been acting in this thread leads me to believe that she's playing you, yet you don't see that. It's like the boy who cried wolf. After never showing any sort of seriousness for so long there's no way I can believe her so soon. You sir, are the stupid one.

Given how this arguement came up, ie you didn't know DJ is from Oklahoma (something I had known for a long time) I see absolutely no way to possibly doubt that DJ is telling the truth. None. And its not because I'm naive, its because DJ is one of the online-people who I've talked to a lot... the top three are, I'm sure, you, DJ, and The Biggah... and on the topic of DJ I've had plenty of serious conversations in IM about stuff (gaming often of course).... more than enough to know DJ definitely can be serious... but just doesn't like to debate much of anything. But we've talked about plenty of things without DJ constantly joking... I trust DJ enough to believe it when she says something as certainly as she does in this thread!

So I should always expect everyone I know online to always be lying to me? That's not a good way to go around...

Alright, here's another analogy for you.

Let's say you have a neighbor who always throws pies at you whenever you walk out your door. Every single time you walk out that door that neighbor throws a pie at you and you try to dodge it. Then one day when you're about to walk outside your door he yells at you that he's not going to throw anymore pies, and tries his best to sound sincere. What would you do? Believe him and walk outside calmly, or not trust him and run outside in preparation of a pie attack? I would run away.

You get the idea.

How about if that pie is always being thrown in another (guess who... :D ) neighbor's face, but only sometimes in yours while sometimes they talk with you normally instead of pieing you? That'd be a bit more accurate...

Wait, you think she's serious about you saving the chat transcripts? Who the hell saves chat transcripts??

I do sometimes... when they're long... I've got like 5 or 6 with DJ saved. And some with Biggah, some with Smoke (one of the very few people around here really into PC games and D&D games and stuff...). Some with you. 14 total. :)

Clever OB1, how long did it take you to come up with that one? And, I never intend to actually mislead. I just am very fuzzy. It's YOUR fault if you actually interpret my total lack of any actual statement as info in those cases.

*joke removed*

I appreciated the joke, but didn't believe it to be serious! The way she wrote was too ABF-style serious, which is not in her character. It looked like she was mocking you, sort of.

It sounds like DJ to me... with that 'why can't people tell when i'm joking, it seems to obvious to me' thing that she says all the time... :)

It's a joke to express her feelings! That's what she does!

Fine, so you agree with me about it then...

Like I said before, I'm not as naive as you are! If someone acts a particular way on a consitent basis for an extended period of time, I don't immediately accept it when they do the exact opposite.

DJ doesn't act that way 100% of the time.

You know, I wish DJ would do this instead of me, obviously... :)

I should just say 'you clearly don't get it and won't get it so I won't say anything', but I just can't...

Because you know you're wrong.

Given how this arguement came up, ie you didn't know DJ is from Oklahoma (something I had known for a long time) I see absolutely no way to possibly doubt that DJ is telling the truth. None. And its not because I'm naive, its because DJ is one of the online-people who I've talked to a lot... the top three are, I'm sure, you, DJ, and The Biggah... and on the topic of DJ I've had plenty of serious conversations in IM about stuff (gaming often of course).... more than enough to know DJ definitely can be serious... but just doesn't like to debate much of anything. But we've talked about plenty of things without DJ constantly joking... I trust DJ enough to believe it when she says something as certainly as she does in this thread!

So I should always expect everyone I know online to always be lying to me? That's not a good way to go around...

I've never seen DJ act serious for more than a few moments so I'm of course not going to just take your word for it.

How about if that pie is always being thrown in another (guess who... ) neighbor's face, but only sometimes in yours while sometimes they talk with you normally instead of pieing you? That'd be a bit more accurate...

No, the person is always throwing pies at me, and I don't care if he's throwing pies at anyone else since I only care about number one.

I do sometimes... when they're long... I've got like 5 or 6 with DJ saved. And some with Biggah, some with Smoke (one of the very few people around here really into PC games and D&D games and stuff...). Some with you. 14 total.

That's because you're a weirdo.

*joke removed*

Yet that's not how it was originally written! Amazing, huh?

It sounds like DJ to me... with that 'why can't people tell when i'm joking, it seems to obvious to me' thing that she says all the time...

Yeah well it certainly doesn't sound like DJ to me.

Fine, so you agree with me about it then...

Yes, so even when she's trying to make a serious point it's in the form of a joke!

DJ doesn't act that way 100% of the time.

You know, I wish DJ would do this instead of me, obviously...

DJ won't do that because her debating skills are so far ahead of ours that she doesn't even need to prove that she has actual debating skills!

Dark Jaguar
Well you don't have to fight on my behalf, nor does PH (though I think he's doing it just for the fun of it). The 7th Guest I will say nothing about. In any case, what ABF said was dead on, and in this case, it's hard to see why you are so confused. I've said the same things over and over, but you never once acknowledge it. Tell me when I was joking and if you didn't get it I DIDN'T explain it right afterwards. That's what you need to do. No, I'm not playing with ABF here. You're just getting all weird. Yeesh, a couple years ago this wasn't even an issue. Heck, I was often criticized, BY YOU, for being TOO serious on some issues. In fact, I often got that criticism in the physical world too. Starting with TC, I worked a lighter mood into my personality, and it worked out fine. OB1, try being a little more sociable. Butting heads with everyone over everything is no way to make friends (excepting your friends that is...... ).

As for chat transcriptes, MSN Messenger has an option to save all chat logs in a folder automatically. Trillian has this feature too. I myself don't use it but I figure there's many out there who do, and I had assumed that ABF might be using that feature. That wasn't a joke.

You know, I've had many actual talks with you as well, like back in old TC, or RC, or TC before RC. It's all slipped your mind somehow though.

Well, as even ABF says, this argument isn't going anywhere. I myself would have left a lot earlier if it weren't for me wanting to ablige you and stay around longer as a token of good will (though it would seem arguing for a longer period of time isn't exactly the best token of good will it could be, who would have thought). Well, I'm outie. Though that LAST post kinda lacked any actual logic, I'll note that many times before that I made many valid points, none of which were ever actually addressed I might add.

Well, I'll simply shake your hand, take a bow, and make my leave on a lighter note. This lighter note is super boyant and capable of flight for short periods of time. However, the cost is it's slow disintegration of the user's sanity.

Oh I have plenty of friends so you don't have to worry about that. One thing I do not do is compromise my opinion just to make someone like me more. I'm not in such a dire need of friends that I have to hide my true views and opinions so as not to offend people.

This whole "debate" is about how I can never take you seriously because you're almost never serious around me. And for some reason that defies all logic whatsoever, you idiots are actually trying to convince me that I should be more gullible and ignore my instincts by simply trusting you whenever you say you're serious. I'm really in complete and utter shock that you two are still contuining this, as it is completely devoid of any logic and reason on your part. I'm sorry DJ, but your debating skills are a complete joke. You're making as much sense as ABF is, which I believe is something like negative sense.

When you mix joking with seriousness so often it is going to take me a while to start believing you when you claim to actually be serious. I am not a sheep like ABF is. It will take time before I can start believing the boy that the wolves are actually here.

A Black Falcon
No, the person is always throwing pies at me, and I don't care if he's throwing pies at anyone else since I only care about number one.

So if we turn that around, I shouldn't care what you think of the pie-thrower because my impression of them is shaped by how we interact, not how you interact...

As for chat transcriptes, MSN Messenger has an option to save all chat logs in a folder automatically. Trillian has this feature too. I myself don't use it but I figure there's many out there who do, and I had assumed that ABF might be using that feature. That wasn't a joke.

I didn't used to have that feature on, but now that you mention it, I might have enabled it a few months ago... *checks* Yup, enabled it in late July (7/30) '03. So since then all logs are saved... before that I just saved some good ones. :)

With OB1 since then I have a 1.24mb log and with DJ its 920kb.

You know, I've had many actual talks with you as well, like back in old TC, or RC, or TC before RC. It's all slipped your mind somehow though.

As per usual he blocks out everything that doesn't support his point.

This whole "debate" is about how I can never take you seriously because you're almost never serious around me. And for some reason that defies all logic whatsoever, you idiots are actually trying to convince me that I should be more gullible and ignore my instincts by simply trusting you whenever you say you're serious. I'm really in complete and utter shock that you two are still contuining this, as it is completely devoid of any logic and reason on your part. I'm sorry DJ, but your debating skills are a complete joke. You're making as much sense as ABF is, which I believe is something like negative sense.

Uh, no. I have been saying "DJ is more serious around me" and "in this thread I have absolutely no trouble telling which points are serious"... because for me both of those things are absolute facts. You clearly don't have that background, or block it from your memory... because I know you've been in MSN chat when DJ was being serious! And you were POSTING in many of the TC threads where DJ was serious...

Oh well, you clearly have no intention of actually trying to remember those facts, and will never be convinced from your stupid current position.

When you mix joking with seriousness so often it is going to take me a while to start believing you when you claim to actually be serious. I am not a sheep like ABF is. It will take time before I can start believing the boy that the wolves are actually here.

At this point its quite clear that you'll never let yourself understand that DJ actually isn't joking all the time, and is serious more than you seem to think... but given that we've both said that twenty times and you've just ignored it every one of them, saying it again won't make a difference. :(

Yet that's not how it was originally written! Amazing, huh?

No, but it proves my point that the joke doesn't change the meaning or point of the statement one bit...

Yeah well it certainly doesn't sound like DJ to me.

Then as you have proven twenty times already in this thread, you don't know DJ at all... and don't care to learn. Too bad.

Yes, so even when she's trying to make a serious point it's in the form of a joke!

But that serious point is still a serious point!

DJ won't do that because her debating skills are so far ahead of ours that she doesn't even need to prove that she has actual debating skills!

DJ has done as much as anyone possibly could to convince you of her truthfulness... you just won't listen.

I've never seen DJ act serious for more than a few moments so I'm of course not going to just take your word for it.

I've had multiple discussions that were nearly completely serious and often lasted hours with DJ.

So if we turn that around, I shouldn't care what you think of the pie-thrower because my impression of them is shaped by how we interact, not how you interact...

Yes. Everyone in the neighborhood has their own relationship with the pie thrower, and each person has a certain level of trust between them and the pie thrower.

I didn't used to have that feature on, but now that you mention it, I might have enabled it a few months ago... *checks* Yup, enabled it in late July (7/30) '03. So since then all logs are saved... before that I just saved some good ones.

With OB1 since then I have a 1.24mb log and with DJ its 920kb.

How is that possible? I'm not even on msn that often.

As per usual he blocks out everything that doesn't support his point.

I "block out" points? What points? DJ's strange memory of what she thinks happened in the past? It doesn't matter how someone acted a year ago, what matters is how they act today. You relate to people in the present, not the past.

Uh, no. I have been saying "DJ is more serious around me" and "in this thread I have absolutely no trouble telling which points are serious"... because for me both of those things are absolute facts. You clearly don't have that background, or block it from your memory... because I know you've been in MSN chat when DJ was being serious! And you were POSTING in many of the TC threads where DJ was serious...

Oh well, you clearly have no intention of actually trying to remember those facts, and will never be convinced from your stupid current position.

You have fabricated a history that did not happen. DJ was never a serious person at Tendo City.

At this point its quite clear that you'll never let yourself understand that DJ actually isn't joking all the time, and is serious more than you seem to think... but given that we've both said that twenty times and you've just ignored it every one of them, saying it again won't make a difference.

Holy fucking hell, you're still ignoring every single point that I've made. Incredible. I AM NOT AS FORGETFUL AS YOU ARE!! I do not believe people who joke on a consistent basis to be serious! They have to prove to me, over time, that they are being sincere. You have to earn my trust.

No, but it proves my point that the joke doesn't change the meaning or point of the statement one bit...

Someone could also edit Mein Kampf to make it sound like a love letter to the Jews, I'm sure. But that's not how it was written.

Then as you have proven twenty times already in this thread, you don't know DJ at all... and don't care to learn. Too bad.

I formed an opinion on DJ based off of the many years I have visited this forum, and if DJ wants to change that view of her then she herself has to change. I never said it was a bad opinion of her, just one that is different than yours. Nothing that she has said or done makes me think differently of her.

But that serious point is still a serious point!

DJ has done as much as anyone possibly could to convince you of her truthfulness... you just won't listen.

She has done nothing to convince me that she can be absolutely serious at times. Not in my presence, at least.

I've had multiple discussions that were nearly completely serious and often lasted hours with DJ.

Yes, you idiot, you have had serious discussions with her! I have not, therefor I only know her to be the DJ who can never be serious and only kids around!! Do you really have such poor comprehension skills that you do not understand this very simple concept?? You can be extremely stupid at times, ABF.

A Black Falcon
There is nothing to argue about here. DJ, the person we are discussing, said I was compltely accurate... given that fact there is no way for you to sanely keep doubting it! It makes you look so, so stupid!

How is that possible? I'm not even on msn that often.

Its not pure text... so that's not a pure 'number of characters' size. Its got color and some formatting...

I "block out" points? What points? DJ's strange memory of what she thinks happened in the past? It doesn't matter how someone acted a year ago, what matters is how they act today. You relate to people in the present, not the past.

Things such as MSN conversations with all three of them in them... and what DJ said...

Someone could also edit Mein Kampf to make it sound like a love letter to the Jews, I'm sure. But that's not how it was written.

Oh come on, that's stupid... this has nothing in common with that example.

Yes, you idiot, you have had serious discussions with her! I have not, therefor I only know her to be the DJ who can never be serious and only kids around!! Do you really have such poor comprehension skills that you do not understand this very simple concept?? You can be extremely stupid at times, ABF.

You are contradicting yourself all the time... I really don't get your position here at all. So DJ can be serious, but is almost never to you, so you doubt what DJ says to everyone? Uhh...

She has done nothing to convince me that she can be absolutely serious at times. Not in my presence, at least.

The fact that this thread doesn't convince you says more than I ever could about what you think.

There is nothing to argue about here. DJ, the person we are discussing, said I was compltely accurate... given that fact there is no way for you to sanely keep doubting it! It makes you look so, so stupid!

Are you kidding me??!! Are you being serious right now?? Because if what you just said was serious then you are the dumbest person I have ever known. I mean it.

This is about how I see DJ based off the the time I have spent talking with her. It's not about what you think, and it is not about what DJ thinks. You and DJ cannot convince me how I think of you two just as I cannot convince you two how to think of me!

This is such an incredibly simple concept yet you have completely failed to grasp its meaning. I am very, very dissapointed with you, ABF. This really makes me sad.

Things such as MSN conversations with all three of them in them... and what DJ said...

My opinion on DJ is based off of all the topics and msn chats I have shared with her.

Oh come on, that's stupid... this has nothing in common with that example.

That was a very good example. You have to edit DJ's messages to get a serious meaning out of them, which is something that you do in your mind. I do not.

You are contradicting yourself all the time... I really don't get your position here at all. So DJ can be serious, but is almost never to you, so you doubt what DJ says to everyone? Uhh...

I am not contradicting myself as I have been totally consistent with my views this entire time. You are the one who is confused.

I don't care if DJ is serious around you because this is not about you. This is about how I see DJ, and how I see DJ is determined by my interaction with her. But this is obviously such an insanely complex concept for you that you cannot understand it.

The fact that this thread doesn't convince you says more than I ever could about what you think.

This thread has changed my mind about two things:

1. DJ acts very differently around other people then when she's around me.

2. You have insanely poor comprehension skills and can't even understand the most simplistic of ideas and concepts.

Dark Jaguar
Ugh... Well, it's obvious you do consider me a liar. Since you don't trust me, that can only mean you think I was lying. Once again, when I joke, I point it out if there's confusion pretty much immediatly after someone gets confused. When I'm serious, I don't. That's all there is to it. Since you are doubting me even now that mans you don't trust me. I can't believe I'm restating something I said at the very start...

That's it, I'm outie. You think I'm a liar, I suppose I'll have to deal with that for now.

I never once said "liar", but just like ABF the only way for you to rebut in an argument is by twisting around or even completely changing other people's words.

I just said that since you're always joking--and in the past I've thought you were serious but it turned out that you were actually joking--I find it hard to believe when you claim that you are actually being serious. That's it. You two fools turned this into something that it wasn't about.

And I don't always ask when I'm confused as to whether or not you're joking or being serious. I stopped doing that a long time ago after I got bored of it all.

Great Rumbler
WOW. You guys can turn almost anything into a heated debate. It's amazing I tell you!

A Black Falcon
Uh, OB1, 'I do not trust a word you say and think that you are almost never actually being truthful' means 'I think you are lying almost all the time!' There is absolutely no other way to explain it! You think DJ is a liar. That is both cruel and idiotic... and completely false. But you'll never belive otherwise, so there is no point in arguing.

I just said that since you're always joking--and in the past I've thought you were serious but it turned out that you were actually joking--I find it hard to believe when you claim that you are actually being serious. That's it. You two fools turned this into something that it wasn't about.

No, we did not. We explained the situation as it is and you absolutely refused to accept that what is happening is what is actually happening.

And I don't always ask when I'm confused as to whether or not you're joking or being serious. I stopped doing that a long time ago after I got bored of it all.

Yeah, you just ignore DJ's posts... which is far worse...

I don't care if DJ is serious around you because this is not about you. This is about how I see DJ, and how I see DJ is determined by my interaction with her. But this is obviously such an insanely complex concept for you that you cannot understand it.

You don't care about how DJ actually is, just about how you can maintain your own flawed view of her...

This thread has changed my mind about two things:

1. DJ acts very differently around other people then when she's around me.

2. You have insanely poor comprehension skills and can't even understand the most simplistic of ideas and concepts.

1. is probably true. :) I guess DJ is less serious around you than other people... and you ignore or 'forget' the cases when she is serious, getting your flawed hypothesis as a result.

WOW. You guys can turn almost anything into a heated debate. It's amazing I tell you!

This is completely ABF's fault. I made an innocent comment and he turned it into something big.

Uh, OB1, 'I do not trust a word you say and think that you are almost never actually being truthful' means 'I think you are lying almost all the time!' There is absolutely no other way to explain it! You think DJ is a liar. That is both cruel and idiotic... and completely false. But you'll never belive otherwise, so there is no point in arguing.

NO, what that means is that I don't believe her to be serious when she says she is since in the past she has pretended to be serious and when I fell for it she said that she was only kidding. I don't think that she's lying, just joking. Look it up if you're confused by those two words.

No, we did not. We explained the situation as it is and you absolutely refused to accept that what is happening is what is actually happening.

WOW, you are such an idiot, ABF! We're talking about how I see DJ, not how your stupid self sees her. GAH, how can you be so dense???!!

Yeah, you just ignore DJ's posts... which is far worse...

No, I stopped falling for her jokes.

You don't care about how DJ actually is, just about how you can maintain your own flawed view of her...

I'm serious ABF, you are being such a total dickweed right now. And I never say dickweed, so you know it's got to be bad. You're so confused and so unwilling to listen to reason that I have lost all respect for you that I once had.

1. is probably true. I guess DJ is less serious around you than other people... and you ignore or 'forget' the cases when she is serious, getting your flawed hypothesis as a result.

I have a very good memory and have forgotten nothing. Your "my opinions are the only right ones" attitude is wearing very thin.

A Black Falcon
I have a very good memory and have forgotten nothing. Your "my opinions are the only right ones" attitude is wearing very thin.

Sorry, the only one here who thinks like that is you.

This is completely ABF's fault. I made an innocent comment and he turned it into something big.

It was hardly innocent by any stretch of the imagination...

Just admit that you're basing your opinion of DJ on incomplete information and that there is the possibility for DJ to be serious (sure, as always she mixes in some jokes, but i see NO WAY that that could make the points themselves suspect! Not in this thread, at any rate!)...

Does DJ joke? Yes, all the time. But DJ is also perfectly capable of being serious! Its happened so many times that I am just amazed that you 'forgot' it all...

Ugh... Well, it's obvious you do consider me a liar. Since you don't trust me, that can only mean you think I was lying. Once again, when I joke, I point it out if there's confusion pretty much immediatly after someone gets confused. When I'm serious, I don't. That's all there is to it. Since you are doubting me even now that mans you don't trust me. I can't believe I'm restating something I said at the very start...

is pretty much all there is to it. How you continue to doubt DJ's words is beyond me... I'd think that by now you'd know DJ well enough to be able to see when she's being serious... because, as DJ said, you two HAVE before been involved in the same serious discussion. Sure, more often DJ isn't serious... but its not all the time. Sorry. Maybe to you DJ is less serious... but that hardly changes the fact that in plenty of topics DJ HAS been serious! And not just in IM, in the forum to... maybe you just ignore DJ's posts most of the time or something, that'd explain it pretty well.

Great Rumbler
The quickest way to end an arguement is just to stop replying. You guys do know that, right?

Sorry, the only one here who thinks like that is you.

Oh, real fresh. :roll2:

You still don't get it, do you? I am going to repeat myself ONE MORE TIME, and that's that. Pay attention this time because I will NOT repeat myself again. I'll even use extra-large font since you have such difficulties understanding me.


A Black Falcon
The quickest way to end an arguement is just to stop replying. You guys do know that, right?

... yes...

Look, OB1, if you REALLY want to continue to think of DJ in ways that just aren't the way she is go ahead... its far too much to ask for you to try to see DJ as she is, clearly. Its quite obvious why DJ never is serious with you... what would the point be? You'd never believe it anyway... so why should DJ bother? You would just effectively (sure you don't use the words but there is no other way to sensibly describe it) say DJ is lying again...

As for 'all those examples where DJ misled me and then didn't explain it was a joke until asked later', I bet that DJ honestly thought that everyone could tell they are jokes... she just assumes far too much about others being able to see her jokes. You take it as intentional lies and deception? I wouldn't, I think that in nearly every case that I can think of that it's almost certainly unintentional... except for the times DJ was just joking with you. :)

I'm SURE that DJ is serious SOMETIMES, but my point has always been that I can never TELL when she's serious or not because in the PAST she has pretended to be serious and then admitted to be JOKING!

Is that REALLY that difficult to understand????!!!!!

A Black Falcon
Just added some to my last post. Read the rest. :)

I never went as far as to say "lies and deception", just that I really don't believe her when she says she's serious. It's going to take more than just her word, since I've been fooled in the past.

A Black Falcon
Sooo DJ isn't lying, nor is she decieving, but she isn't telling the truth? Uhh... what do you call it then...


joke ( P ) Pronunciation Key (jk)

1. Something said or done to evoke laughter or amusement, especially an amusing story with a punch line.
2. A mischievous trick; a prank.
3. An amusing or ludicrous incident or situation.
4. Informal.
1. Something not to be taken seriously; a triviality: The accident was no joke.
2. An object of amusement or laughter; a laughingstock: His loud tie was the joke of the office.

A Black Falcon
Okay, so DJ makes posts that are jokes but look like actual points with nothing to distinguish between the two, intentionally trying to decieve you or something? I know DJ makes jokes that can often be confused with non-jokes, but there's no intentioal deception there... just a lack of understanding of how easily other people see the jokes... but you clearly got tired of that and gave up... which is too bad because DJ makes plenty of good points. Oh well, there's no point in going any further with this.

There was no point going here in the first place, but you decided to make an argument out of nothing since you're such a big ass.

Great Rumbler
Wow. You know out of a total of 140 posts in this thread only the first FIVE were actually on topic.

So....Final Fantasy Tactics, right? Is good game, no?

A Black Falcon
Its just amazing that you think I am the one acting stupid in this thread, given how you've acted...

You started this entire argument!! Are you really that delusional??!

Sometimes I really feel like driving over there and smacking you upside the head, ABF. If only I knew where you lived..

A Black Falcon
Uh... go back to the beginning of this thread and read it again... you started it! That is an incontestible fact... you started saying how you didn't know where DJ lived. DJ said that she lived in Oklahoma, as did several of us... it went from there, but you started it without a shadow of a doubt. How you get me starting it when you made the first comment in the direction of this arguement, and then when several of us (not just me, and not me first) told you the truth and gave proof it went from there... but you made the first comments! And I don't think I was the first to reply to them!

Oh yeah, and editing my post isn't nice.

What? I didn't edit your post.

Yes I made a comment about how I can never take DJ seriously, but then you decided that my opinion of her was wrong, because you've got the biggest ego in the universe and are a complete dick.

A Black Falcon
So I'm just supposed to ignore you saying that DJ is a untrustworthy person who never tells the truth? Yeah right!

Great Rumbler
Umm...I don't want to interupt your...discussion but...ABF, wouldn't it be better if you let DJ handle her own battles?


It's just a suggestion! *is beaten to death*

Sacred Jellybean
because you've got the biggest ego in the universe and are a complete dick.

Oh, the irony is delicious.

Wait wait wait...DJ is a SHE?

Great Rumbler
Originally posted by Fittisize
Wait wait wait...DJ is a SHE?

That seems to be a recurring response in this thread.

I think we need to make a thread titled "YES! DJ is a girl, fer cryin' out loud!".

So I'm just supposed to ignore you saying that DJ is a untrustworthy person who never tells the truth? Yeah right!

No stupid, you're just supposed to accept the fact that everybody has their own views on different people!!! It's what we over here on planet earth call an opinion.

A Black Falcon
No stupid, you're just supposed to accept the fact that everybody has their own views on different people!!! It's what we over here on planet earth call an opinion.

Opinion based on factual things that do not represent all of the facts, twisting your opinion... but oh well, you have made it clear listening isn't something you consider.

A Black Falcon
No stupid, you're just supposed to accept the fact that everybody has their own views on different people!!! It's what we over here on planet earth call an opinion.

Opinion based on factual things that do not represent all of the facts, twisting your opinion... but oh well, you have made it clear listening isn't something you consider.

Oh, and DJ did a pretty good job of defending herself... I really couldn't think of how someone could do better considering...

You are such an idiot, and you're so isolated in that delusional little world of yours that not even all of the logic and reason in the universe could get a simple concept as "it's called an opinion, fuck face" through to you.

There's no such thing as an objective opinion on someone, just as there's no such thing as an objective opinion on what kind of ice cream is good.

A Black Falcon
Sure, its your opinion that DJ is bad and all that... but it doesn't mean that its a good opinion... but whatever, we should drop this.

It's not a "good" opinion???

Oh wow...

I'm at a loss for words right now.

You've completely lost it, ABF.

A Black Falcon
Good, accurate, 'reflecting all the evidence', whatever...

You should listen to yourself. You sound like a complete idiot.

A Black Falcon
I've given up on this 'debate'... but if you want that statement clear...

OB1 doesn't trust DJ. OB1 can't tell when DJ is joking. OB1 thinks DJ is always joking. OB1 gave up asking when DJ was joking because it got tiresome having to ask all the time. OB1 now ignores DJ's posts a lot. Now, OB1 still thinks DJ is never serious and can't be trusted to tell the truth...

Okay, its fine if DJ's posting style annoys you, that's just opinion. But just because DJ's posting style annoys you you go as far as you have in your statements? Its just absurd, especially when confronted with the facts.

Oh my LORD are you stupid, ABF!! I never said that I never think she's serious, just that I DON'T KNOW WHEN TO BELIEVE HER!!!!!!!!

I can't believe that you still haven't gotten that through your insanely thick skull!! Just how fucking stupid are you???

A Black Falcon
Um, that's pretty much what I said... DJ's posting style annoys and confuses you, so you don't think its worth the time to figure out when to believe DJ and when not to... okay, I can see that. But doubting DJ once she does say what the truth is?

That is not what you said! You that that I don't believe that she's ever serious, which is just a flat-out lie!

WOW. You are one thick-headed punk!

A Black Falcon
Fine, change a few words in that statement. Okay, it wasn't completely accurate... this should be about right.

As in,

OB1 doesn't trust DJ. OB1 can't tell when DJ is joking (nor can OB1 tell when I am joking, but that's another issue...). OB1 thinks DJ is usually joking. OB1 gave up asking when DJ was joking because it got tiresome having to ask all the time. OB1 now ignores DJ's posts a lot. Now, OB1 still thinks DJ is almost never serious and can't be trusted to tell the truth (since 'its usually jokes even when it sounds serious')...

You just can't trust DJ to tell you the truth when DJ clarifies if things are jokes or not. That is sad... DJ doesn't intentionally deceive after its clear others can't tell if its a joke... at least she doesn't to most people. Maybe DJ did to you because of how you'd never listen anyway, I don't know...

You're very naive if you think that DJ has never tried to deceive people into thinking that she's serious when she was only kidding. Naive and stupid.

And I know when you're trying to kid around, it's just that you're not funny.

A Black Falcon
I think that most of the time that people are decieved its an innocent mistake. Sure, DJ probably did do it on purpose and intentionally not clarify things quickly, but I highly doubt it happened much.

You're more naive than I thought you were.

A Black Falcon
No, I just trust that when someone I know and probably consider a friend says they are telling the truth that I believe them... that isn't nieve... if it was someone I didn't know? Sure, it would be.

And I don't know DJ personally very well, fool!

:bang: THAT :bang: IS :bang: THE :bang: WHOLE :bang: FUCKING :bang: POINT!!!!!

I still can't believe that someone could be as stupid as you are now.

A Black Falcon

Haven't I said that about fifty times in this thread?

No, this whole time you've been saying how my opinion is "wrong"!

I swear, if I ever see you in person you're gonna nice big punch in the face. :hammer:

A Black Falcon
You just tune out everything that I said other than that... I said plenty more and don't feel like repeating it for a fifth time, but if you look you should see...

Okay, yes, you don't know DJ that well. You don't want to... okay, but it causes these problems...

Dark Jaguar
Okay, I don't know why I headed back in here, but it would seem OB1 does in fact think I was trying to decieve... him... into... what?

Lemme say that this statement:

You're very naive if you think that DJ has never tried to deceive people into thinking that she's serious when she was only kidding. Naive and stupid.

is totally wrong. I've never done that. Now I KNOW you think I'm a liar.

In any case, also let me make it clear that I never actually demanded you believe me. I only demand that you change your reasons for not believing me. I act the same with you as I do anyone else here (no ABF, it's the same, and you can read this board to find out for yourself since that's the only place I ever talk to him except in some online conversations most of which you were a part of). I haven't earned your trust? OF course not! Not a single person here has. I've done nothing to cause you to treat me differently, so if you refuse to trust me, I only ask you say the truth, that you refuse to trust me based on a random arbitraty choice. That'll be fine by me.

A Black Falcon
is totally wrong. I've never done that. Now I KNOW you think I'm a liar.

No, I think he honestly believes that... he'd know better if he knew you better, but as he says he doesn't. Of course that is because he doesn't want to because your post style seems to annoy him or confuse him or something... I don't know... but he clearly refuses to try to understand how you construct your posts, and will defend his ignorance forever. Quite sad...

You just tune out everything that I said other than that... I said plenty more and don't feel like repeating it for a fifth time, but if you look you should see...

I can't believe you can just sit there and lie like that when your posts are readily available for everyone to read! This is what you wrote:

Sure, its your opinion that DJ is bad and all that... but it doesn't mean that its a good opinion

Opinion based on factual things that do not represent all of the facts, twisting your opinion

So I'm just supposed to ignore you saying that DJ is a untrustworthy person who never tells the truth? Yeah right!

As you can plainly see, you decided that because you feel differently about DJ, my opinion is "wrong" somehow.

Okay, I don't know why I headed back in here, but it would seem OB1 does in fact think I was trying to decieve... him... into... what?

Lemme say that this statement:

You're very naive if you think that DJ has never tried to deceive people into thinking that she's serious when she was only kidding. Naive and stupid.

is totally wrong. I've never done that. Now I KNOW you think I'm a liar.

In any case, also let me make it clear that I never actually demanded you believe me. I only demand that you change your reasons for not believing me. I act the same with you as I do anyone else here (no ABF, it's the same, and you can read this board to find out for yourself since that's the only place I ever talk to him except in some online conversations most of which you were a part of). I haven't earned your trust? OF course not! Not a single person here has. I've done nothing to cause you to treat me differently, so if you refuse to trust me, I only ask you say the truth, that you refuse to trust me based on a random arbitraty choice. That'll be fine by me.

I'm sorry but you did that many times in the past, and if ABF's memory weren't so damn terrible he would agree with me. On countless number of occasions, we've had discussions that ended in much confusion because you made serious posts but then turned around and said that you were only joking. We've talked about this many, many times in the past, and there was even a thread in TC recently which tried to resolve it. Very often you will make a post that sounds serious to most of us but then later you reveal it to be a joke. I used to think that you were just doing that to get out of an argument since we know how much you hate conflict, but you insisted that you were only kidding so I started to buy that. Ever since then I simply stopped caring whether you were genuinely being serious or simply joking, so in most cases I haven't taken your "serious" posts all that seriously. You continue to play the "I was actually kidding!" game so I continue to believe most of what you say is a joke, just to be on the safe side. This is most certainly not a "random arbitrary choice". I have explained this to you fools dozens of times now but you still don't want to listen. I'm getting sick of having to explain this to you and this thread has only reinforced my low opinion of you two. At least ABF has a reason for not being able to understand anything that he doesn't want to hear and for being completely inept when it comes to communicating with other people, but you DJ do not have such an excuse. Yours is simply a case of plain old stubbornness and stupidity.

And for the record, there are a number of posters here who I trust.

A Black Falcon
As you can plainly see, you decided that because you feel differently about DJ, my opinion is "wrong" somehow.

You can twist the statements to mean that, but they just don't. They simply mean that you willfully ignore and don't want to hear anything that would explain how DJ writes posts... and then you act like that ignorance makes it okay to make false accusations! That is just insane!

You think DJ deliberately decieves people by posting non-serious things as serious points and not making it clear. Sorry... but DJ just does not do that. Its not my memory thats bad... its your lack of understanding of how DJ operates that is faulty.

Yes, DJ has made statements then later said that they were jokes. True. But I would never believe that they were deliberate deception... DJ wouldn't do that, and every time is surprised that people can't tell they are jokes. Sorry, but you just don't understand DJ at all... and lack of understanding doesn't excuse what you are saying when you COULD, if you wanted to, try to understand it!

As I sit here typing this my mouth is wide open in shock. In all my years, out of all the people I have throughout my life, I have never--never--met anyone as mind-numbingly ignorant and thick-headed as you, ABF.

DJ constantly makes serious posts and then says that she was only kidding. She has fooled me, she has fooled other posters, and she has fooled you. There's nothing wrong with that as I realize that it's just DJ's usual immature behavior and the way she jokes around, but because of that I cannot really take most of what she says seriously. I wouldn't call it deceit or lies, just immature behavior as I previously mentioned. We've had several conversations about this very thing, and you've been very clear about your frustration with the way DJ acts. Now for some totally inexplicable reason you have decided to flat-out deny that this ever occurred. I am wracking my brains right now trying to figure out why on earth you would lie like this, but the only conclusions I have come to is that you are either not the same ABF that used to post here, you are a delusional schizophrenic, or that you have no self-respect and simply argue the opposite side no matter what the subject matter is, just for the sake of arguing. Perhaps that is an actual mental condition and you are simply incapable of doing anything different. I'm not sure what it is, but the one thing I do know is that you desperately need to seek medical help. I don't mean that as an insult, since I'm not really sure whether I should be angry or feel sorry for you.

Dark Jaguar
OB1 OB1 OB1... I... just... First you say you didn't think that was the case at all, now you go ahead and go back to the VERY start of this confusion months ago with the assumption that I must be doing some weird kind of deception! Yes, we have talked about it, but I thought the conclusion you reached was that I truly WAS joking, not this! Not your ego taking over like this! It's true, it's really actually true, your ego is SO great that rather than accept that you couldn't get my joke, you assume I really was being serious and then tried "backing out" of my opinion by pretending I was joking!

...Is that who you think I am? Do you honestly think I'm someone that decietful and without any confidence in my own opinions? Do you really think I'd just back down in that manner? I'm very hurt by this. Congrats, you actually managed to hurt my feelings. I have tried working with you here, to come to an understanding, and it seemed you had at least finally realized I wasn't doing some weird kind of lie. I have no idea why anyone would actually be capable of doing that sort of thing. I mean, if I have BELIEVED it, why would I just instantly take it back? What kind of shallow personality do you think I have? I've fought many things I actually think before, why would I sometimes totally go against what I said and sometimes fight toothe and nail for it? That's psychologically impossible a thing to do! I have no idea how I managed to give you this false impression of me, but I should hope you will come to your senses and eventually apologize. Good day OB1.

OB1: But..

DJ: I say good day!

YES you idiot, YES! The whole point is that I DON'T know anymore when you're joking or being serious and that I am confused with what you say!

YOU are the one with the enormous ego, refusing to accept that other people can have their own distinctive opinions of you!

And by the way, the manner in which you constantly use the word ego suggests that you don't know the definition of it. You make no sense. I have an ego because I don't understand when you're joking or not? :erm: Yeah, that makes a lot of sense!

Let me know when you two jackasses are ready to apologize to me.

Great Rumbler
I think things would be a lot better if this thread were to magically disappear, possibly caused indirectly by the action of someone who is an admin...

Don't you dare. I'm determined to make these two morons understand what I've been trying to say.

Do you understand what I've been trying to say this whole time, GR?

Great Rumbler
I do understand what you are saying and I agree with you TO AN EXTENT, but things are going way to far in this thread. This needs to end and very soon, wether by someone stepping down [yeah, right.] or by everyone just leaving this thread. But you won't do it will you? You just won't stop arguing with one another!! This isn't a debate!! It's a fist-fight between two people who are too stubborn to stand down!! I actually agree with you, OB1! I agree with you on this!! However, I'm not going to put myself in the middle of this, because all you have taken this way farther than it EVER should have gone!!


I need something to smash!!

I just don't back out of fights. I wish I could, but when I know that someone is so wrong and will not listen to me, I continue until they finally get what I'm saying. If that never happens then I explode and take them down with me.

A Black Falcon
OB1 just has a really hard time, an even harder (or maybe much worse?) time than me, telling truth from jokes... that really is why there is an issue here... that fact and the fact that OB1 has not made an effort to understand how DJ writes. And he doesn't want to. It'd be just his problem if it didn't cause stuff like this... but it does. What are we supposed to do, just find it okay that OB1 will never trust one word DJ ever says???

Great Rumbler
There's nothing wrong about backing donw from a fight, espcially one that's as pointless than this. And believe me I've seen pointless arguements before. Okay, so you get ABF to admit he's wrong. So what? What have you acomplished? You got someone to admit that they were wrong about saying that your opinion about something was wrong. Sounds a bit silly doesn't it? Yes it is, but everyone takes it so seriously. Why? Because it's not the why that's so important, it's the winner. The only thing I can do now is tell you how foolish this whole things is and hope you can work things out...that AND delete the entire thread in one fell swoop!! But, hopefully things won't get that bad. :)

OB1 just has a really hard time, an even harder (or maybe much worse?) time than me, telling truth from jokes... that really is why there is an issue here... that fact and the fact that OB1 has not made an effort to understand how DJ writes. And he doesn't want to. It'd be just his problem if it didn't cause stuff like this... but it does. What are we supposed to do, just find it okay that OB1 will never trust one word DJ ever says???

YES. I do not like DJ and do not wish to get to know her better. Whenever I've chatted with her in the past she's either been rude or immature when I'm trying to be serious, and just a few minutes ago I tried to explain to her what I've been trying to explain to you two people in this thread but she just left in the middle of my typing. Perhaps she got disconnected, but I don't believe that was the case. I do not have the patience for her. Maybe someday when she grows up we can have an actual conversation and I might be able to differentiate between her serious posts and her joking posts. But until then...

Originally posted by Great Rumbler
There's nothing wrong about backing donw from a fight, espcially one that's as pointless than this. And believe me I've seen pointless arguements before. Okay, so you get ABF to admit he's wrong. So what? What have you acomplished? You got someone to admit that they were wrong about saying that your opinion about something was wrong. Sounds a bit silly doesn't it? Yes it is, but everyone takes it so seriously. Why? Because it's not the why that's so important, it's the winner. The only thing I can do now is tell you how foolish this whole things is and hope you can work things out...that AND delete the entire thread in one fell swoop!! But, hopefully things won't get that bad. :)

This needs to be resolved. I have to at least try to resolve it.

Great Rumbler
This needs to be resolved. I have to at least try to resolve it.

Yes, it does need to be resolved, but I don't think that's ever going to happen because both of you are dug in too deep now to budge from your positions.

This thread is like a train wreck. The longer it goes on the worse it gets.

Oh, one more thing. OB1, if you're really serious about you should try to see this from DJ's point of view and have a serious chat with that in mind. Also, don't bother trying to resolve this with ABF, that simply isn't going to happen, the only way you're going to come to any resolution is by talking to DJ. That's all the advice I have left, I just hope you guys you can settle this.

A Black Falcon
YES. I do not like DJ and do not wish to get to know her better. Whenever I've chatted with her in the past she's either been rude or immature when I'm trying to be serious, and just a few minutes ago I tried to explain to her what I've been trying to explain to you two people in this thread but she just left in the middle of my typing. Perhaps she got disconnected, but I don't believe that was the case. I do not have the patience for her. Maybe someday when she grows up we can have an actual conversation and I might be able to differentiate between her serious posts and her joking posts. But until then...

Its only bad when it affect how threads go... like here, when DJ makes it very clear that she's telling the truth and you disbelive her! Go ahead and think everything else DJ says is jokes, but when she makes it CLEAR that its the truth???

GR: I've tried to seriously chat with DJ in the past but it never works.

Its only bad when it affect how threads go... like here, when DJ makes it very clear that she's telling the truth and you disbelive her! Go ahead and think everything else DJ says is jokes, but when she makes it CLEAR that its the truth???

Well right now it is pretty clear that she is serious in this thread, but this is not most threads!

A Black Falcon
Well its working now. :)

Well right now it is pretty clear that she is serious in this thread, but this is not most threads!

:bang: :bang: :bang: :bang: :bang: :bang: :bang: :bang:

Uh, you know that that's been one of my main points for about four pages now??

Dark Jaguar
Well I was talking to OB1 online and managed to come to a peaceful compromise. We both admitted that our ENTIRE relationship it would seem has been one misunderstanding or misinterpretation after another, seeing character flaws that weren't there and so on. Essentially, the only option was a friendship reset. So, that's what we've done. It's all good now.

Now then, to eliminate this idiotic argument over nothing at all, I close this thread.

A Black Falcon
Sorry, but we're admins too... :)

Anyway, yes, if you stretch it it could be said to be from a lot of misunderstandings. If you say 'start over' the only problem is that the same thing will happen again... you're just delaying it. Oh well, if that's what you want...

You're an idiot, ABF. End of debate.

A Black Falcon

Great Rumbler
Just thought I'd throw in the last word here.

Anyway, yes, if you stretch it it could be said to be from a lot of misunderstandings. If you say 'start over' the only problem is that the same thing will happen again... you're just delaying it. Oh well, if that's what you want...

ABF,...just shut up. OB1 and DJ have to work this out themselves and I really doubt anything you say to OB1 will make things better, if anything worse.



A Black Falcon
GR... you weren't involved in this...

And the three of us sort of resolved it yesterday... though as I said I don't know if it'll lead to any lasting changes. We'll see.

A Black Falcon
Just thought of something... there might actually be a chance, if OB1 meant what he said...

Well right now it is pretty clear that she is serious in this thread, but this is not most threads!

OB1, you took five pages to be convinced that DJ was being serious in this thread, but I'm very happy to see that you finally acknowledged that fact... admitting you were wrong must have been hard. :)

I just hope its not that hard in the future.

ABF, as I said a million times before, you're an idiot. Keep this thread CLOSED.

A Black Falcon
Oh come on I really don't deserve that now... but given you its hardly surprising...

You definitely deserved that. Now keep this closed!

A Black Falcon
What, and just ignore you insulting me like that for no good reason? Yeah right!

Laser Link
So uh, big guy. What kind of tattoo did you get? Got pics? (Only post pics if it is not in some un-picable place, thanks. :))