View Thread : Final Fantasy X-2

Anyone who knows me, knows I'm a big fan of FFX. Thusly, I'm highly anticipating the upcoming FFX-2, but a nagging concern has been haunting me, and I've not heard anything about it. It's the voice acting. Did they bring back the old voice actors? If Yuna and company all have new voices I'm going to get violent.

That's the only concern of mine that's not been rectified by reviews I've read, or that I've since accepted.

It seems obvious, and I'm sure they did bring everyone back, but does anyone know for sure?

A Black Falcon
They have the original voice actors.

Gameforms has a nice preview... read it if you're interested in the game...

ABF, I think you'd like FFX if you could play through so much of Skies of Arcadia. It's very linear unlike Skies, but the battle system is much better. Story is good, too.

Dark Jaguar
Story was nice, but I liked previous stories better. I even liked the FF8 story. What's so wrong with the whole lost memories thing? Worked out perfectly and wasn't a huge coincidence at all. You think in the wrong direction. Time goes FORWARD so think that way. It makes sense when you think they all hung out in the past so they would all probably stick together, even if most memories (except maybe vague familiarity maybe?) in the future. Then the story works out beautifully!

Battle system was very nice indeed, with a pokémon-esque switch system, plus the ability learning system was great too. However, it was far too linear, as pretty much everyone here says, and in an RPG I find that fatal Even if they are pretty much linear anyway, the old ones always let you go off and do whatever you want BETWEEN places you actually had to go, and that's almost all the fun right there! Why, check out Red Mage's pie chart of gaming goodness! *can't find* Well, side quests dominate 95% of any good RPG!

Well, it's not like FFX lacks side quests. It's just, well, the game prevents you from being able to go on any (except Blitz Ball, the fun turn based sport that I at least found great fun) until the VERY end simply due to the "follow the yellow brick road" nature of the game (in other words there is ONE path to walk on and that's it for the whole game). Then you can go on all manner of quests, but with them all packed in at the end, it's kinda... pushed on you. Oh, and it's just not the same when you just select a destination from a map instead of actually flying/riding/walking there yourself. They shouldn't have removed the overworld map element if they couldn't do it the way I thought they would (overworld still just as expansive but now just like the rest of the game thus meaning HUGE and OPEN, that would have been cool, actually walking into a city from a massive field of going anywhere else you want).

Still, it's not really a BAD game, just not nearly as good as the previous FF games.

The battle system was definitely the best out of all the regular FF games and there was no stupid-ass brooding main character so I liked it. Too linear, but still fun.

Battle systems make or brake RPGs for me.

A Black Falcon
On that note, I'm 50 hours into Skies... and am pretty far. The only real problem is that its not very hard... except for the bounty (and Piastol) fights, which are brutal... but optional.

Oh, and there's the little problem of not having or getting anytime in the forseeable future a PS2...

On the GC there isn't much choice right now for non-action based RPGs... there's Skies of Arcadia and Evolution Worlds. Whoopie... guess we wait for Tales of Symphonia...

Dark Jaguar
Definatly the best? Not in my opinion. You can't say that as fact when various gamers have been arguing dead evenly over this for years already, and it's a pretty even split across most of the FF games. Plus, you forgot Tactics!

Wait a second, what on EARTH am I doing? INVITING a senseless argument where I wanted none?

Okay, before it can get off the ground, I know it's just your personal opinion it's the best of them, so long as you can acknowledge that. Personally, I liked FFV's the best (though to be honest I like FF6 and FF7 more than that game anyway), though my all time favorite RPG battle system has to be either Xenosaga or Chrono Cross (can't quite decide between them, but I'll only add that Xenogears did a much better job with the mechs than Xenosaga did, because in 'gears they were actually worth using).

A Black Falcon
Strategic combat is always better than menubased combat. Menubased combat isn't awful, its just not as good...

Dark Jaguar
Um, but menu based can be strategic. In fact, that's all menu based is about!

Tactics was mainly strategy, and it was all done via menus :D. I assume the sequel, Tactics Advance, is the same way.

Private Hudson
Originally posted by Dark Jaguar
However, it was far too linear, as pretty much everyone here says, and in an RPG I find that fatal

Ordinarily, I would agree with you. But I found the flow of the game to be perfect. If any of the past FF's had been as linear as X was, then criticism would have been heavily due.

Although, with the way I play Final Fantasy games, I always stick to the path of the game the first time through, then make a separate save toward the end, so I can go on and finish it properly, then continue on all the sidequests.

Besides that, as you brought up below, you could almost always go off and play Blitzball, which is the best ever FF side-quest. I just wish it was multiplayer! :(

Even if they are pretty much linear anyway, the old ones always let you go off and do whatever you want BETWEEN places you actually had to go, and that's almost all the fun right there!

You actually do the sidequests your first time through the game?

Oh, and it's just not the same when you just select a destination from a map instead of actually flying/riding/walking there yourself.

That's true. I still think that that was mainly due to the fact that they didn't want to delay the game, so they never modelled the entire world. Then again, the system they had worked adequately. The save sphere system was quite good.

Still, it's not really a BAD game, just not nearly as good as the previous FF games.

Blah! Better than 8! :p

But onto the subject matter, everyone should be happy to hear that FFX-2 is apparently MUCH less linear than FFX. In fact, it's supposedly the least linear FF game ever!

Dark Jaguar

Oh and, yes of course I try to find any side quests and side missions I possibly can when I play a game! I have found that when I purposefully just go through a game only to get to the end and not to enjoy every moment in the game to it's fullest that it kills the experience. Oh, and lots of side quests must be done at certain times or they are gone for good in other FF games, and many RPGs actually. Playing "utilitarian style" is just no fun.

Private Hudson
Well, I'll always do some side-quests. Distractions, mainly. Such as Tetrad in Final Fantasy IX. That's a good little filler. And that's exactly what Blitzball did. An excellent distraction from the main quest.

I think perhaps that's why they made BB so in-depth, due to the linear nature of the game.

A Black Falcon
Um, but menu based can be strategic. In fact, that's all menu based is about!

I think you know what I mean. :)

Originally posted by Private Hudson
Well, I'll always do some side-quests. Distractions, mainly. Such as Tetrad in Final Fantasy IX. That's a good little filler. And that's exactly what Blitzball did. An excellent distraction from the main quest.

I think perhaps that's why they made BB so in-depth, due to the linear nature of the game.

I played ALL the side-quests in FFX.

Blitzball? Incredible team and lots of techs.
Monster Arena? Filled it.
Hidden Aeons? Found em.
Legendary weapons? Activated em all.
Omega Dungeon? Beat it.
Sphere Grid? Over 50% covered with Auron (thus far...)
Total Play time? 106 hours in one game.

Yeah, big fan.

Private Hudson
Good for you.

I meant on the first time through. I'll beat the game properly, and then go through and do all the side-quests.

A Black Falcon
But would most people play these games multiple times through?

Private Hudson
They should!

I don't see the point in completing the game fully, and then finishing it.

It'd be the easiest last boss battle of all time.

Dark Jaguar
It's ALREADY the easiest boss battle ever, BECAUSE YOU CAN'T DIE! Seriously, what were they thinking with that last boss? My point is not about powering up, but in having as much fun as I can during the trip. The game isn't about the destination, it's about the journey. I don't just rush through so I can beat it "properly" (whatever that's supposed to mean, because many times the proper way to beat the game is found only via side quests, like in Chrono Cross), because I don't care about just beating it to get that "out of the way". However, whatever floats your boat.

A Black Falcon
I often don't even finish games once...

Laser Link

EM gets BIG points for saying "thusly", cause that's hilarious! :D

Private Hudson
Originally posted by Dark Jaguar
It's ALREADY the easiest boss battle ever, BECAUSE YOU CAN'T DIE! Seriously, what were they thinking with that last boss? My point is not about powering up, but in having as much fun as I can during the trip. The game isn't about the destination, it's about the journey. I don't just rush through so I can beat it "properly" (whatever that's supposed to mean, because many times the proper way to beat the game is found only via side quests, like in Chrono Cross), because I don't care about just beating it to get that "out of the way". However, whatever floats your boat.

Yah, that's true! Of course, Jecht was quite the challenge.

And usually, my main goal in a Final Fantasy is do progress through the storyline. I want to get to the end! It's hardly rushing..

My first time through the game, I enjoyed the scenery, took in the immersive story, and got to know how to best use the characters in battles. My second time I started to do side stuff as well. It wasn't until my fifth time through the game I managed to do all the stuff I listed above.

I always thought of Jecht as being the final boss, and the Aeon and Yu Yevon battles as being more like a playable cinema, leading up to the end. Anyone who got Anima and had to fight it at the end knows how invaluable the Auto-Auto-Life is there. It may be 30 feet tall and 10 feet wide, but my characters STILL can manage to miss it! Likewise for the Magus Sisters. You're right though, Hudson, about doing everything before finishing the game. I used my game of over 100 hours of play, and defeated Jecht in a paltry three turns. You're really meant to go back on the replay to do all that extra stuff, and that just proves it.

Thusly :).

Dark Jaguar
Eh, the same can be said for a whole lot of games, like Majora's Mask for instance. I just always have the goal of exploration that's all.

Well, let's just leave it at that. To each their own. I know there are some others like you two who enjoy a game just walking through it, but for me when I've done that in the past it's ruined the whole experience for me.

Okay, but I can't imagine how playing a gane start to finish ruins the experience. That IS the experience!

Dark Jaguar
I mean playing through a game with the goal of being to reach the end instead of the goal being to play the game. I can't imagine not exploring everything you can think of if you are playing for the moment rather than the goal.

No fair, you tricked me into starting this up again!

A Black Falcon
In RPGs... hmm, I don't know. I guess I usually do a lot of sidequests... not all of them, I think, but many on my way through. I just can't ignore them... and I know I won't be playing through a second time anyway (if I manage to finish once)...


Only a couple more weeks now! I almost fell over when the guy at GameStop told me X-2 is coming out TWO DAYS after Mario Kart!

Looks like my GameCube and PS2 will be fighting for my attention!

Skies wasn't linear??

News to me.

A Black Falcon
Well the main story was, but there's lots of exploring to do... :)

alien space marine
FFX story was decent and interesting as Sin was enourmous.
I just hated Tidous his voice acting was annoying plus the fact his voice was a little higher then Yuna.

But to be honnest on another thing is the Turned based fighting system has been done to death,Many people hate alot of RPGs soley for it. FFX was great but its time for just plain evolution.

I wish sqaure would drop the turned based thing and go like kingdom hearts in the next Final fantasy.

Speaking of FF sequeils.
FFVII movie advent children looks interesting,I hope they make a game based on it.

Originally posted by A Black Falcon
Well the main story was, but there's lots of exploring to do... :)

I dunno, I didn't really find much reason to explore since doing so trapped you into a good dozen endless random battles. It's why I've had the game almost three years and I'm still not past the first disc.

Interesting? Next to Eternal Darkness, FFX had the best storyline I've ever seen in a video game. Tidus' voice was bad, but everybody elses voice acting was spot-on perfect. Auron and Seymour especially.

Well, call me crazy, but I like turn-based combat. In any case, X-2 will be real-time, which I'm sure I'll get used to.

A Black Falcon
But Skies of Arcadia is one disc... on Cube, anyway... :)

I don't know, I just liked the game. Oh, sure, I don't do lots of random exploring because of how irritating it is to have to fight all those random battles... I just have like half of the discoveries (and am at the final battle). I've done some, but not a huge amount... mostly I just follow the story, while of course looking for discoveries along the way.

Of course, the fact taht I'm at the final battle and have put the number of hours into the thing that I did says that I like it... though it is annoying that the main game is so easy. Seriously, nothing in the main story is really challenging... at least once you get past the first five to ten hours, anyway. The only really tough fights (that I lost much) are the optional side-quests (all added for the Cube version) -- the Bounty fights (some are REALLY hard!) and the fights with Piastol. Oh well... the game is still fun. :)

Originally posted by EdenMaster
Interesting? Next to Eternal Darkness, FFX had the best storyline I've ever seen in a video game.

I'll say nothing about that, but there are two games I happen to love that you still haven't played yet and at least in my opinion are far beyond others of their kind storywise.

To note I'm giving Xenogears a seventh playthrough and it still amazes me how infuckingcredible this game is in almost every way.

A Black Falcon
ED one of the best storylines ever? Huh? No way! Its a fine storyline, sure, and I love that game... but one of the best? No. Its good, but not that good...

SoA has a fairly predictable and corny storyline, but it does well enough. :)

Oh yeah, and for best game story ever, its not close. Planescape: Torment, by a landslide.

Originally posted by Dark Jaguar
Definatly the best? Not in my opinion. You can't say that as fact when various gamers have been arguing dead evenly over this for years already, and it's a pretty even split across most of the FF games. Plus, you forgot Tactics!

Wait a second, what on EARTH am I doing? INVITING a senseless argument where I wanted none?

Okay, before it can get off the ground, I know it's just your personal opinion it's the best of them, so long as you can acknowledge that. Personally, I liked FFV's the best (though to be honest I like FF6 and FF7 more than that game anyway), though my all time favorite RPG battle system has to be either Xenosaga or Chrono Cross (can't quite decide between them, but I'll only add that Xenogears did a much better job with the mechs than Xenosaga did, because in 'gears they were actually worth using).

Oh hey, I never saw this post before.

Yes, FFX definitely has the best fighting system out of all the regular FF games. Tactics doesn't count. Every FF game before X had the same extremely simple and slow fighting system. FFX's sped it up and added a bit of actual strategy to the battles. Sure it was no Grandia but it certainly wasn't anywhere near as simple as all of the previous FF games' battle systems. Now of course if you actually like super-simple, slow fighting systems then I can imagine that you wouldn't prefer FFX's battles more. But then you'd be crazy. :)

Originally posted by Weltall
I'll say nothing about that, but there are two games I happen to love that you still haven't played yet and at least in my opinion are far beyond others of their kind storywise.

To note I'm giving Xenogears a seventh playthrough and it still amazes me how infuckingcredible this game is in almost every way.

That's why I said best storylines I've ever seen.

FFX had a great story. Not only is there the main story of Yuna pilgrimage to defeat Sin, but so many others. The tragic operation Mi'ihen, Wakka and Lulu's relationship with Wakka's late brother Chappu, Wakka's hatred of the Al Bhed, the fact that Jecht is Sin, Seymours evil intentions, and tons of other mini-storylines.

And ED does have an incredible storyline, better than most. It covers 2000 years and 12 characters, all weaving together perfectly in the end.

ED has a cool, although almost entirely unoriginal plot. :)

A Black Falcon
Yeah, the fact that its barely original hurts...

And that you could have randomly removed any six to eight chapters from the game without losing anything important to the storyline. I didn't think it was that good at all. It WAS a lot of fun though.

Dark Jaguar
Yeah, pretty much. The story pretty much explained itself. The only chapter really needed was the last one, sadly enough. Still, at least it was somewhat well told, and it WAS a fun game. I still say the sanity effects were far too blatent to really actually mess with anyone. Subtlety is important. It's got to be something the player actually DOES think is happening, because that's what crazy is.

A Black Falcon
I liked the chapters... but I love history so I liked seeing more of that. :) I thought seeing the various periods was cool... and they did a VERY good job of making them seem like those eras. Better than most games, I'd say...

Originally posted by A Black Falcon
I liked the chapters... but I love history so I liked seeing more of that. :) I thought seeing the various periods was cool... and they did a VERY good job of making them seem like those eras. Better than most games, I'd say...

That was what disappointed me so much, there was so much that could have been done with the history, and it was wasted by revisiting the same three or four areas multiple times, and rarely did it have anything to do with the current time period. You would think that they would have done something like involve the politics of the time (like they did in Paul Luther's chapter), but sadly, that's the only example I could think of. It just hurt that while World War I was raging around and there were so many things that could have been done, all you end up doing is replaying Luther's level again.

Final Fantasy X-2 = :eek:

I love this game :). I'm having a blast revisting Spira and seeing everything that's changed over the last two years. The real-time battles will take some getting used to and the soundtrack isn't as good as the first, but I'm still intending to put plenty of time into this game.

I'm planning on a marathon play tonight :).

A Black Falcon
That was what disappointed me so much, there was so much that could have been done with the history, and it was wasted by revisiting the same three or four areas multiple times, and rarely did it have anything to do with the current time period. You would think that they would have done something like involve the politics of the time (like they did in Paul Luther's chapter), but sadly, that's the only example I could think of. It just hurt that while World War I was raging around and there were so many things that could have been done, all you end up doing is replaying Luther's level again.

I thought the WWI level was great... one of my favorites. It was hardly just Paul Luther again. It did a good job of showing the horror of that war, I thought, with the main room... but yes, the fact that it revisited the same locations was somewhat of a downer. Still, it was pretty cool to see how they changed over time... I liked that aspect of it a lot because it showed high attention to historical detail. I do wish there were more locations though... oh well. It was still a great game. Its got flaws, but its a fine story, and a lot of fun to play...

Oh, and I wish they'd done the whole thing in the languages the characters would have been speaking with subtitles. That'd have been awesome... :)

I thought it would have been so much damn cooler to have to brave the trenches of the Somme in that level.

A Black Falcon
ED is entirely in small enclosed spaces... the engine clearly wasn't made for outdoors. Still, they could have done it at night or something... yeah, that could have been cool. What they did was okay, though... but in the next ED they better have more level variety. :)

Dark Jaguar
They didn't show the horror of the war though! They showed some hurt people, then had the unmitigated GALL to make their own made up horror MORE horrific than the war! What I wanted to see was how those evil beings did against a massive army of American soldiers.

A Black Falcon
You make it sound humorous..

Actually, it'd have been neat to see Allied (or German, for that matter) troops have to fight an army of zombies or bonethieves.

A Black Falcon
That might have been cool... but the game was focused on personal experiences, not overarching world events. In that context having one man and the wounded in the evil cathedral fits the game better, for sure...

Dark Jaguar
NOT overarcing world events? Um, perhaps you didn't exactly pay attention?

A Black Falcon
Huh? No, you misunderstand me... there were obviously big events going on, but the game only presents one person's story, by themselves -- not armies fighting, or legions of soldiers in a war against evil... just a series of people accidentally running into these evil hotspots. You are saying you'd rather that it had larger-scale events... well that'd be different, but maybe not as scary a subject as being all alone knowing the truth while no one would ever believe you...