View Thread : The continuation of FFVII revealed!! ... but it's not what we were hoping for

From Games Are Fun: (

Posted by Christian Kontul at 07:26:35 AM on 09.25.2003.

Square Enix announced today that existence of Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children an computer-generated animated feature which will debut on DVD sometime in 2004.

Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children follows Cloud two years after the events depicted in the 1997 PSone RPG, as he tries to save what has become a peaceful world from oncoming darkness.

The screens below show Cloud's new CG model, as well as one for Sephiroth. It may be disappointing for some fans to learn that this won't be a game, but, alas, some could argue that Square is just skipping to all the good parts. ;)

We'll have more soon.

Ah hell.

Go to GAF for the first pictures from the movie.


Isn't Sepiroth supposed to be dead? I forgot.

Great Rumbler
It may not be a game, but it looks pretty cool.

Dark Jaguar
Yeah, it's interesting.

I wonder if that's actually Sephiroth...

Private Hudson
I don't see how it's possibly Sephiroth.

Actually, it could be Sephiroth. Let's assume for a minute that Cloud didn't actually kill Sephiroth, just.. really really hurt him. Now, Holy was to supposedly wipe out all the 'bad' in the world.

Now, as we all know, Sephiroth was a very good bloke before the incident in Nibelheim, at which point he was under the control of Jenova.

So perhaps he was spared, along with most of humanity. Or perhaps he was resurrected, ala Aeris (he was an Ancient, so.. perhaps..).

Or perhaps it's just another clone..

Ah, who cares. The movie is to be suckage. Cash whores.

Dark Jaguar
Pardon? Sephiroth wasn't misunderstood my friend. He was an egotistical maniac and he went berserk of his own free will just because he found out he was a scientific experiment. Sheesh, some people would LOVE to have that sort of past! And, Aeris wasn't revived. That was just her image in the life stream.

Private Hudson
Originally posted by Dark Jaguar
Pardon? Sephiroth wasn't misunderstood my friend. He was an egotistical maniac and he went berserk of his own free will just because he found out he was a scientific experiment. Sheesh, some people would LOVE to have that sort of past! And, Aeris wasn't revived. That was just her image in the life stream.

Well, I believe otherwise. Sephiroth was under the control of Jenova, and Aeris was revived.


Great Rumbler
Hahaha! :D

This movie looks pretty cool though. Are the making it just so they can get money? Of course! But if you knew it would generate tons of money wouldn't you make it?

And at least it's based off of an actual FF game, unlike the crappy Spirits Within movie.

Dark Jaguar
Yeah, Spirits Within only managed to impress visually (meaning my mom would have loved it, I'm rather surprised how many of those stupid iMAX demo "movies" she went to before they started putting REAL movies in there). It just had nothing that made it FF at all. This'll be the 3rd Final Fantasy movie made, and the 2nd decent one it seems. One day I plan on actually getting that first FF movie, the one that takes place a century after FF5 (it was anime).

Wow, that's barely a paragraph at all. Anyway, Spirits Within... Imagine FF, but take out the totally original world, magic, incredibly deep story and deep characters, and anything else you can think of, and then add a cheesy action movie storyline and a pathetic badly designed "villian", oh and toss in Gaia just to kinda pretend it's Final Fantasy-ish, and you have that movie.

I certainly think this'll be better since it's not going to be written by some Japanese guy who thinks US action movies are deeper than they really are or whatever he was thinking.

alien space marine
English writers are better!

Dark Jaguar
Eh, you don't even speak english :D.

alien space marine
Your point is.

I hope this movie is good unlike spirits within.