View Thread : Skies of Arcadia 2 in the works?

Posted by
Johnny Ruiz ([email protected]) at 10:08:19 PM EST on 03.22.2004.

Kikizo games recently posted an interview with the powerhouse R&D heads at Sega. Those interviewed included Those present were Yu Suzuki of AM2, Tetsuya Mizuguchi of UGA, Smilebit's Takayuki Kawagoe, Yuji Naka from the Sonic Team, Noriyoshi Oba from Overworks, Toshihiro Nagoshi from Amusement Vision, Hisao Oguchi of Hitmaker, and Yukifumi Makino from sound studio, Wavemaster. You can check out the full interview here. (

However, the truly interesting bits were in questions in regards to sequels. Noriyoshi Oba was asked about the possibly of a sequel to Skies of Arcadia and responded “The Skies of Arcadia sequel is in the planning stages at the moment.” Of course, plenty of games are “In the planning stages” but this raises hopes that a sequel could indeed be on the plate for the future.

As for Rez, Kikizo posed the question: “Would you make a sequel to Rez to improve any parts of the first game you weren't happy with?” to Tetsuya Mizuguchi who responded with “Maybe, yes! [smiles] In terms of sales figures, I wasn't satisfied with Rez, but we should give Rez more time. I need to trust myself.”.

Source: ( (

Bah, just noticed the source interview is dated February 17, 2022 so who knows if the game will actually get made.

And REZ!

It'd be nice if it were more fun than the first. It was so promising but not quite good enough to hold me until the end.

Skies or Rez?


Yeah, I didn't finish it either. I couldn't stand the endless battles.

Anyone who hasn't played Skies yet (like me) can get it here ( for $20! I jumped on this deal pretty quick.


big guy
once you could fly above the clouds or below the continents in skies there were no more random battles on the world map (because you were above or below them). anyway, i really wanted to pick it up but never did because the time i went to pick it up it was $50 at best buy and i said "fuck that, i'm not paying $50 for a DC game."

A Black Falcon
... funny, I loved Skies... it's one of the Cube games I did beat. Yeah, I didn't finish Wind Waker, Metroid Prime, or Mario Sunshine, but I've beaten Skies of Arcadia... and ... hmm... XG3, CvS2, BGDA, Eternal Darkness... a few others maybe... depending what you call 'beat'...

I know that in the past I complained a lot about random battles... of course at the time I didn't actually have any random-battle RPGs. I've played them more now. They still annoy me. Quite a lot at times. Sailing around got to be a pain... it's why I didn't get that many discoveries -- just too annoying. What really helped was when you got access to the upper sky. No battles! Sail around the world and no battles until you go down to your destination... that helped a LOT. Made it much more tolerable. :) Oh, and I found the battles in Skies fun. Dunno why, but I just liked them. Probably partly because it's a little more strategic than standard battles in the genre... I wish you could CONTROL where your characters go, but I like how the guys are not just in lines. :) And move. ... and of course the nice graphics...

The Cube one may have a few less battles but it's not hugely different, I think. ... but I didn't mind the DC version either, given how I played that like 8 hours in 2 or 3 days and later bought my own copy for GC because of how much I'd liked it... :)

I can't believe you haven't beaten Metroid Prime, easily the best GC game out right now. *tsk tsk tsk*

A Black Falcon
Eternal Darkness is better. I did beat that one. :)

And that game is hard.

Eternal Darkness isn't half the game Metroid Prime is. Not even close.

A Black Falcon
MP might be technically better, but I had more fun playing ED and that's what counts.

Similarly Wind Waker is better than Skies of Arcadia technically but I had more fun, probably, playing Skies...

Well okay then.

Great Rumbler
I've probably had more fun playing MP than almost any other GC game.

Laser Link
Yeah, I remember them saying that Skies 2 was in the planning stages, and I keep waiting to hear more, but so far nothing. Maybe at E3... I'll buy any console for Skies 2 without a second thought. I loved the game so much, even with the ultra frequent random battles. It just had that extra something that hooked me until the end.

A Black Falcon
I'd get it too. Skies was good... I want a sequel (and on a platform I can get it for! :D). It wasn't super innovative or have some deep, complex plot, but it had enough to keep me going to the end and the story was good enough that I wanted to see where it would go...

I want sequels to a lot of Sega games.

There sure as HELL better be an SOA2. And while Sega's at it they should remake Panzer Dragoon Saga for GC! Its a crime such an old yet great game is so inaccessable to people simply due to its usual 200$+ ebay pricetag! Well thank God for ISO's and Saturn mod didn't read that!

Great Rumbler
I wish I had Panzer Dragoon Saga.

Yeah, same he-- why did Darunia delete that post?

Great Rumbler
I didn't see it, what did it say?

Whups, never mind.