View Thread : POOL PARADISE!

Dark Jaguar
Has anyone seen the commercials for this new Gamecube game (also on PC)? I mean, they might as well have written "We played shots of the game while the absolute worst actor we could find read stuff into a cheap microphone". I mean, it's about the most amateur thing I've seen.

Nope, haven't seen it...

Dark Jaguar
Honestly, it's like some local commercial, but if it's just a local game some people made, I have to wonder how they made it for Gamecube as well as PC.

Know where we can find the commercial online?

Dark Jaguar
Why would I know that?

Because then the rest of us could go "haha, i know!" instead of "...".

Great Rumbler
I haven't seen the commercial either. Maybe it's some wierd Tulsa thing?

Yeah... those weird Tulsananians.

Dark Jaguar
I just realized I only see it late at night on Comedy Central. I have no idea why...

And just because you WANT it to be online doesn't mean you should expect me to have done it. I don't have a scanner, digital camera, or digital... camera... the moving picture kinds...

Okay, GameFAQs says the company is "Awesome Developments". I figure it's not just local if it's already listed at GameFAQs. What a stupid company name...

Okay, I don't know anything about the game itself, but apparently everyone at that message board (not that the opinion of ANYONE posting at a GameFAQ message board really says much) has seen it so it's not local, it just LOOKS like some local ad. A bad local ad at that.

I never demanded that you show us the commercial, Miss Cranky Pants, I simply asked "Know where we can find the commercial online?".

Sacred Jellybean
I've seen that commercial. I've seen it twice, actually. Yeah, it's incredibly cheesey... although I'm not sure how one could made a billiards video game look exciting in the first place.

Great Rumbler
If you got enough marketers in a room together they'd probabaly come up with something.

I could come up with a great pool commercial!

Just show a bunch of people in a swimming pool, having a great time, and then go "SIKE!!! Not THAT kind of pool!! EAT TACO BELL!!!", then flash a screen or two and show what system it's for, finally followed by a "... or IS it...??!!!".

How could would THAT be! Eh?? EH?!

Great Rumbler
How about this:

There is a nuclear holocaust. The entire world is engulfed in flames as the cities of the Earth are layed to waste one by one. Btw, the commercial is set to classical music. Random shots of people fleeing in terror. Bright flashes of light. Then the camera pans through the ruins of a city and stops at a pile of rubble. Sticking out of the rubble is a pool table. "There's all the time in the world to play...too bad you're DEAD!!" Flash game title on screen as the camera zooms out.

That's almost as good as my idea!

Great Rumbler

I kid because I love.

Great Rumbler

Love your idea!

Great Rumbler


Great Rumbler
That was a pretty cool idea though, wasn't it?


Great Rumbler
