View Thread : Absolutely viewtiful news

Hahaha... my thread titles are so clever.

From Gamesarefun: (

Capcom Confirms Viewtiful Joe 2, and PS2 VJ

Posted by Josh Schwartz at 09:34:41 AM EST on 04.21.2004. As we reported previously (, Viewtiful Joe 2 will be hitting the Gamecube - and Playstation 2 - late this year. The graphical and gameplay style will remain the same. Silvia and Joe are playable this time around, together, yes co-op. There will also be several new enviroments for you to travel through, jungles, underground ruins, ancient Japan, mountains and outer space. Jow will also be receiving a new VFX power called 'Replay' which will triple the effet of attacks. Capcom also announced the Playstation 2 port of the oringal Joe. The port will be of the Japan only Viewtiful Joe Revival. And will include Dante and Trish from Capcom's own Devil May Cry. Famitsu has a 'Viewtifuled' Dante below:
Source: Gamefront and Gamespot

Terrific news, eh? Too bad it's not going to be GC-exclusive, but more VJ is always a good thing no matter what! And co-op! This game is going be the shiznite!

A Black Falcon
Terrific? I don't know, wouldn't that be if it was still exclusive? Of course that is very unlikely given the circumstances... so this is very good news. :)

So it's not terrific just because PS2 owners will also get to experience the joy of Viewtiful Joe?

big guy
it's terrific because it's on GC at all.

terrific news

Great Rumbler
It's Bojacksome news.

There's that word!

Great Rumbler
Yes indeed.

Sacred Jellybean
So it's not terrific just because PS2 owners will also get to experience the joy of Viewtiful Joe?

No, he meant it isn't terrific news for Nintendo fanatics who want Nintendo to get more potential business by keeping franchise exclusive to GameCube.

Yeah I know what he meant, but it's still excellent news. I think this whole Capcom and Konami exclusivity thing has proven that no matter how great a game is, it's still a third-party title and therefor most GC fans will not buy it.

A Black Falcon

Great Rumbler
It's Nintendo's fault for making so many good games. That's irony for you!

A Black Falcon
Well, yeah, true... but still, there are more good third party games on Nintendo systems than sell well, for sure. And more so than the other consoles. Many Nintendo fans don't completely trust non-Nintendo games or something I guess...

Yeah, just look at the sales of PoP and BG&E. Though to be fair, if you also own an X-Box you're going to want to get that version (of PoP) since it has more extra stuff.