View Thread : Mysteries of Tendo City...

!TAKE NOTE TENDITES!~: The Goron Bureau of Information reports that there are two mysteries surrounding the Tendo City community:

1.) There is a city called Tendo in Japan, and thus is "Tendo City":

2.) There is an evil cult that also has assumed the name of "TCforums", only their address ends in a dot-net:

Yeah, I posted pictures of Tendo a while ago. Do a search.

Never knew about that site, though. Weird.

Great Rumbler

What the heck?

A Black Falcon
an evil cult


Lets send Lazy over there. Scar them for life! (Hey I'm Christian myself but unlike most I have whats called a sense of humor!)

Heheh I love myself for that evil cult crack. :cool:

A Black Falcon
It's good. :)

Since when is a cult not evil? :D

*looks at the site* Oh, I see. It's a Christian site. Ha ha, real clever. :evil:

Great Rumbler

well yehawww...i already knew the first one

Great Rumbler
In California you can always find a party; in Soviety Russia the party can always find you!!

Dark Jaguar
Peter: Boy is that getting old...

Great Rumbler
Those jokes never get old.

In America you touch the DS, in Soviet Russia the DS touches you!!

Dark Jaguar
That one... didn't exactly make sense...

You know, maybe if it had something to do with the DS microphone... Yeah, there's promise there...

Great Rumbler
Are you kidding me? It makes perfect sense!

Are you kidding me? It makes perfect sense!

Yeah, I'd say that makes pretty good sense to me :D

In Soviet Russia, cult joins YOU!

Great Rumbler
Bear is driving car?!

Big American Party!!

In Soviet Russia, Pokemon choose you!

In Soviet Russia, the TV turns you on!


Don't read into that.

In California you can always find a party; in Soviety Russia the party can always find you!!

Minus the typo, that was frickin' hilarious!!! :chuckle:

Great Rumbler
In Soviet Russia joke makes you!

In Soviet Russia, Shine Get you!

In Soviet Russia, us are belong to all your base!


Y'know... instead of... all your base are belong to us.

Great Rumbler
In Soviet Russia, no chance to survive has you!

In Soviet Russia, time makes you!

Great Rumbler
In Soviet Russia, horse rides you!

In Tendo City, bad jokes makes everyone!

Great Rumbler
In Tendo City, dumb is Darunia!

I'll be the bigger Goron here and walk away. :rolleyes:

In Tendo City... ahh, nevermind.


Darunia is walking away from a fight? How very...BIZARRO!

Besides that, at one inch tall, I think just about every goron is a bigger goron compared to you...

Link of the Gorons (the son of Fire Sage Darunia): Daddy, lookit the midget!

Great Rumbler
I'll be the bigger Goron here and walk away.

Ha, you're too late! I already walked away like last week! Oh yeah!


A Black Falcon
You need the image for that to work. :)

Great Rumbler
You can't just say it! You have to post the pics otherwise you'll be the one who's

Ha ha, I just noticed that the guy in that picture is moving his mouth to say PotatOWNED. His mouth movements fit the word perfectly. :D

A Black Falcon
... :erm: ...


Don't tell me you really don't know what that's from...

Great Rumbler

A Black Falcon
I don't know, should we allow Geno to continue visiting this forum?

Great Rumbler
No. Absolutely not.

A Black Falcon
Yes, he does not meet our standards.

So where's security... watching GREAT MOVIES, perhaps? :)

LotR is good, not great.

Dark Jaguar
Look Geno, you are neato and all, I mean you named yourself after the guardian of the legendary Star Road of yor and all (who named himself after a famous action figure character because his real name can't be pronounced by mortals), but um, I'm sorry if you don't frickin' recognize SAM! I mean, it's SAM dangit!

Geno: Sam... serious sam?

DJ: Don't make me hurt you...

Geno: Seriously, what the hell are you talking about?

DJ: Sam, as in, Frodo's buddy?

Geno: You've lost me...

DJ: It's from STAR WARS you ijit!

ABF: Um...

Great Rumbler
LotR is good, not great.

LotR is great, not good.

The Grand Illusion is great. Ikiru is great. M is great.

LotR is good.

Great Rumbler
2001 is great, Yojimbo is great, LotR is great*, Casablanca is great, Alien is great, hey this could go on forever!

*Well, I think it's great anyway!

A Black Falcon
LotR is great. Maybe not the greatest film series ever, but definitely great.

Great Rumbler
Looking at each movies seperately I can see how someone might say it's not "great", but I think once you put them all together it does become that.

I watched all three extended editions over the course of about a week or two, so I know what they're like put together. :)

A Black Falcon
You mean 'they're', right? :)

But yes, they go together. You really can't seperate them.

They're great if your standards aren't that high. :)

A Black Falcon
Or if you like good movies. :)

Great Rumbler
They're great even if your standards are so high that if God himself made a period piece you'd put it in the same catagory as LotR!


Well, I suppose not, but I'd say that LotR is definitely a modern classic.

Here's my scale, by the way:

Amazing = Best of the best, the greatest movies ever.
Great = Modern classics, better movies than you're likely to get in a normal year.
Good = The top movies of the year, not counting the greats.

As you see, your definition of "great" is very different from mine.

Great Rumbler
They're definitely better movies than you're likely to get in a normal year [and we got three!!], but I don't know if they'd be in competition for a top ten list of greatest movies ever. Maybe if you they were listed as one movie...

Not even then.

A Black Falcon
If they're not great, then is ANYTHING made in English in modern times good in your eyes?

Define "modern times".

A Black Falcon
I don't know... but why should I have to be specific?

Sure, I don't watch that many movies, American or otherwise. And I've watched even fewer old ones. But still, saying that one of the best movies (combined) to be made in years isn't great just doesn't seem right...

Like you said, you've barely seen any movies.

A Black Falcon
I love fantasy. I'm sure I'd rate it highly either way. :)

Just to clear things up, I have seen Lord of the Rings (the first movie, anyway) and I know who Sam and Frodo are. It's been a couple years since I watched it though, so... I don't remember that exact scene.

Great Rumbler
I do believe that is because the scene in question is in the SECOND movie.

The Lord of the Rings Trilogy is indeed amazingly good, but now lets talk about the new Burger King Commercials with that zany mask! Good times! "Best commercials ever!" raves the Hyrule Post!

Great Rumbler

A Black Falcon
Yes, it's in the second one.

LotR is good, not great.
You are dead to me.

LotR > Star Wars :finger:

A Black Falcon
Trying to start an argument? :)

Great Rumbler
Star Wars > LotR

A Black Falcon
Yes. But LotR is good.

Dark Jaguar
And here is a segment of TC's code...

Function TendoCity fight(OB1Presence, ABFPresence, DisagreeOB1, DisagreeABF)

while OB1Presence or ABFPresence = true and DisagreeOB1 or DisagreeABF = true

while argument = true

if star wars > LOTR
lotr = lotr +1

if lotr > star wars
star wars = star wars + 1

if star wars = lotr
argument = false

while end
while end

End Function

Wow, an actual equation that perfectly shows what happens here. Well done!


Nice job.

Great Rumbler
You win a sticker!

That was awesome, we should handle all our debates like that.