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Tue, February 11th, 2003   #1
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Default Clear Link Between Al-Qaeda and Iraq found!

Mapel sends this with her good wishes. She thought it would be a good idea for me to be able to laugh at myself

Originally Posted by NMan
Christ it was simpler back in the days, when spam told you plainly and clearly that enlarging your dick by X inches would cost Y amount of money...
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Tue, February 11th, 2003   #2
Dark Jaguar
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It's true! There is a link there!

Oh, and while laughing at the self...
Saddam Enrages Bush With Full Compliance
WASHINGTON, DC—President Bush expressed frustration and anger Monday over a U.N. report stating that Iraqi president Saddam Hussein is now fully complying with weapons inspections. "Enough is enough," a determined Bush told reporters. "We are not fooled by Saddam's devious attempts to sway world opinion by doing everything the U.N. asked him to do. We will not be intimidated into backing down and, if we have any say in the matter, neither will Saddam." Bush added that any further Iraqi attempt to meet the demands of the U.N. or U.S. will be regarded as "an act of war."

From www.Theonion.com
Beady's Corollary to Occam's Razor: "The likeliest explanation of anything is almost always the most boring one imaginable."
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Tue, February 11th, 2003   #3
Dark Jaguar
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And I already showed this to lazy and ABF but...

Beady's Corollary to Occam's Razor: "The likeliest explanation of anything is almost always the most boring one imaginable."
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Tue, February 11th, 2003   #4
A Black Falcon
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I only wish that the reason Bush is so dumb would be as simple as the Ring of Power...

Oh yeah, and that pic Weltall posted is great... so true...
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Tue, February 11th, 2003   #5
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Every post in this thread made me laugh. Except ABF's. You aren't funny at all.
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Tue, February 11th, 2003   #6
A Black Falcon
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Nope, just realistic...

Its a sequel to this 1991 cartoon...

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Tue, February 11th, 2003   #7
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Whoa! Look at Bush Sr's head in the first panel. It's normal. Then LOOK AT THE SECOND AND THIRD PANELS!! AAAAGH! HE'S GROWN INTO A GIANT!!!! And then he goes back to normal.... *whew*!
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Tue, February 11th, 2003   #8
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Originally posted by DMiller
Every post in this thread made me laugh. Except ABF's. You aren't funny at all.

Liberals aren't allowed to have a sense of humor. That's why everything offends them. Thus, the ACLU exists.

Originally Posted by NMan
Christ it was simpler back in the days, when spam told you plainly and clearly that enlarging your dick by X inches would cost Y amount of money...
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Wed, February 12th, 2003   #9
A Black Falcon
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Uh huh. Right... I doubt you actually believe that so I won't say much... especially how I posted those two cartoons which, IMO, are both funny AND true... just like the other two posted, actually...
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Sun, February 16th, 2003   #10
His Majesty, Sovereign of the Holy Goron Empire
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I never knew we had so many hate-mongering democrats in here.
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Sun, February 16th, 2003   #11
Dark Jaguar
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Hey now! Weltall is as republican a fellow as I've known in a long time. He's just having a fun time making fun of himself. It's the latest rage. Drew Cary does it all the time! Really, self depreciating humor is the BEST way to avoid using what you know to be terrible social skills and instead make yourself popular via your own fear of your inadiquacy! Try it!

I gotta say it's sad about the whole teaming thing in our republican democracy (that's actually exactly what our form of government is, since a TRUE democracy is TOTALLY run by the people, like Athens). What's the point of these silly parties anyway? People end up supporting all sorts of stuff they may not agree with just because of a few points they do agree with. You end up with a very limited selection, and often it's the lesser of two evils you end up picking. Now, I know I'm being very cynical here, and I apologize for sounding like some disenfranchised teen (I hate them as much as you ), but I really think the best way to go about voting is to totally ignore "parties" and to just analyze the candidates on an individual level. Ignore the parties for a moment, and look at exactly what they have stated are their opinions and goals and such. I must say I'm non-partisan lance myself. ABF, you may think I'm republican, but it's just by chance that one party happens to agree with a number of my stances. I'll tell you this, although I've debated the opposite (because I love arguing for the sake of argument), I actually do think the environment should be protected. While I do believe the environment isn't nearly as bad as some say, and while I don't think a few oil pumps would totally ruin a nature reserve (though I could be way off there, I have no idea how much stuff needs to be cut down to make way for a couple drills), I also think that when God sent us to have dominion over the Earth, He never intended for us to be wife beating drunkerds about how we do it. I will also say I do believe it is a bit of ego to say we can so easily destroy it. Even if we do make the planet uninhabitable by US, we just did the Earth a favor right? It can then go onwards to evolve super smart spiders who round up the last mammals as cattle.
Beady's Corollary to Occam's Razor: "The likeliest explanation of anything is almost always the most boring one imaginable."
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Mon, February 17th, 2003   #12
A Black Falcon
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Um... you aren't a Republican, you just agree with them on pretty much every single issue? Yeah right...

As for parties, yeah, they aren't the greatest thing and they do mean that you end up either voting for the lesser of two evils or voting for someone who doesn't have any possible chance of winning... but representative democracy (or a republic, as its more accurately called) is really the only way to run a big country... you can't have all the citizens voting on everything once the population gets above a few tens of thousands... like with town meetings. They are common (well, in New England at least...), but only in small to midsized towns... the bigger towns all have elected town councils or mayors because above a certain size town meetings just don't work anymore.
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Mon, February 17th, 2003   #13
His Majesty, Sovereign of the Holy Goron Empire
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I'm a conservative republican. I'm better than you.
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Mon, February 17th, 2003   #14
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The party system actually is good for a reason, it gives a balance. Total democracy would mean allowing ANYONE to represent us, no matter how minor. That would inevitably lead to anarchy.

The system is flawed, but it works better than anything else. How many other representative governments have had over two hundred years of almost constant stability?

Originally Posted by NMan
Christ it was simpler back in the days, when spam told you plainly and clearly that enlarging your dick by X inches would cost Y amount of money...
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Mon, February 17th, 2003   #15
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The party system just divides people and lumps them into groups. Both sides have their strengths and weaknesses, so why do people have to choose one side or the other? That's ridiculous.
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Mon, February 17th, 2003   #16
Dark Jaguar
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Well technically anyone COULD represent us, it's just that the whole social aspect of these parties kinda gets in the way of that happening. Oh, and allowing ANYONE to represent us should indeed be allowed. It wouldn't lead to anarchy, because people still have to go through the legal channels to get voted in, and more importantly they have to win the election. I don't see the problem.

As for you saying "yeah right" ABF, like I said I just happen to agree on a good number of issues. I wouldn't even say I agree. I wasn't even aware that a lot of what I thought was their opinion until a few years ago when I read up on it. If they suddenly changed their minds on some issues, I wouldn't suddenly shift my view to accomidate, like a good number of partisans would. I don't really sympathize with them either. I find both parties to be blockers myself. I really don't like how they have these pre-rounds going on where presidential candidates FIRST have to win a contest to get the right to represent a party. That just takes out even more of the competition due to an unfair decider who isn't me.
Beady's Corollary to Occam's Razor: "The likeliest explanation of anything is almost always the most boring one imaginable."
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Mon, February 17th, 2003   #17
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Who was that old racist guy that wanted to run for president and was featured on the Daily Show way back when?
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Mon, February 17th, 2003   #18
Dark Jaguar
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I probably missed the racist stuff he commented on, but I know who you speak of. That was a great sketch they did .
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Mon, February 17th, 2003   #19
Great Rumbler
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Originally posted by OB1
Who was that old racist guy that wanted to run for president and was featured on the Daily Show way back when?

Strom Thurman. He's the guy who's birthday party was the site of Trent Lott's reputation suicide.
We're both officers serving our country. What exactly are we trying to protect? Japan hasn't seen warfare sine World War II. You and I have lived our entire lives in a time of peace. Peace. That's what we're fighting to protect. But what does peace really mean to Japan? Once, our obsession with war ended in our defeat. Then we had the American occupation. America continued with the arms race, Cold War and proxy wars. Today the globe is engulfed in racial violence and civil wars. Japan's prosperity is built on the corpses of those wars. Our peace comes from ignoring the misery in this world. Other nations have been paying the price for world stability. But Japan has closed its eyes to the suffering out there. I can understand your hatred of "just" wars. The despots of the world love to launch their crusades for justice. People have fallen for that line throughout history. But there's a fuzzy line between an unjust peace and a just war. When liars use "peace" as a tool, peace can no longer be trusted. As war is followed by peace, peace inevitably lead to war. Someday we'll realize that peace is more than an absence of war. Have you considered that? We profit from war while the battle rangers behind us. We should remember how close we are to the front lines. Or maybe we're trying to forget. But sooner or later, our punishment will be handed down.
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Mon, February 17th, 2003   #20
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No no, this was a nobody that was featured on the Daily Show a while back.
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Mon, February 17th, 2003   #21
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Originally posted by Dark Jaguar
I probably missed the racist stuff he commented on, but I know who you speak of. That was a great sketch they did .

Don't you remember when he went into that Native American store and told the clerk something along the lines of "heh, remember when those Cowboys shot up all you Injuns?".
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Mon, February 17th, 2003   #22
Great Rumbler
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Oh well. But Strom Thurman is an old racist guy who ran for president.
We're both officers serving our country. What exactly are we trying to protect? Japan hasn't seen warfare sine World War II. You and I have lived our entire lives in a time of peace. Peace. That's what we're fighting to protect. But what does peace really mean to Japan? Once, our obsession with war ended in our defeat. Then we had the American occupation. America continued with the arms race, Cold War and proxy wars. Today the globe is engulfed in racial violence and civil wars. Japan's prosperity is built on the corpses of those wars. Our peace comes from ignoring the misery in this world. Other nations have been paying the price for world stability. But Japan has closed its eyes to the suffering out there. I can understand your hatred of "just" wars. The despots of the world love to launch their crusades for justice. People have fallen for that line throughout history. But there's a fuzzy line between an unjust peace and a just war. When liars use "peace" as a tool, peace can no longer be trusted. As war is followed by peace, peace inevitably lead to war. Someday we'll realize that peace is more than an absence of war. Have you considered that? We profit from war while the battle rangers behind us. We should remember how close we are to the front lines. Or maybe we're trying to forget. But sooner or later, our punishment will be handed down.
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Tue, February 18th, 2003   #23
A Black Falcon
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That is true...
Except you're talking about Strom Thurmond.
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Tue, February 18th, 2003   #24
Dark Jaguar
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No I guess I missed that episode. It was probably funny though. I tend to catch Daily Show episodes in a sort of 1 in 5 ratio.
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Fri, February 21st, 2003   #25
alien space marine
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Osama bin ladin secret identity?
connection, they both are sexist killers.

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Fri, February 21st, 2003   #26
Private Hudson
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I really think this sums everything up..
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If i had a dollar for every time i ran out of hair in the middle of a spoon making contest id only eat your children with a side of slaw and THOSE ARENT PILLOWS!!
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Fri, February 21st, 2003   #27
alien space marine
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Bush : "Who the hell are we gonna bomb again?" !

Powell " Irag"

Bush: "Why would be bomb one of our own states?"
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Fri, February 21st, 2003   #28
Sacred Jellybean
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Fri, February 21st, 2003   #29
Sacred Jellybean
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It took you to make me realize.
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"Michael Moore wins points for occasional humour factor.
Ann Coulter wins points for Big boobs and a tight ass."
-alien space marine
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Fri, February 21st, 2003   #30
alien space marine
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I have a theory!
He is Blind? [x]
Stupid [x]
Careless [x]
gay [ ]
not real [ ]
had sexual relations with an intern [ ]
Evil [ x]
Liar [x]
deaf [ ]
capitalist slime [ x]
christian [x]
blastphemus [x]
Virgin [x]
hates canada [x]
dumb red neck bastard [x]
hates the french [x]
Trigger happy [x]
Failed remedial english [x]
steals cookies [x]
bad dresser [x]

that pretty much sums it up.
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Fri, February 21st, 2003   #31
Great Rumbler
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Those aren't very nice ways to describe the president...
We're both officers serving our country. What exactly are we trying to protect? Japan hasn't seen warfare sine World War II. You and I have lived our entire lives in a time of peace. Peace. That's what we're fighting to protect. But what does peace really mean to Japan? Once, our obsession with war ended in our defeat. Then we had the American occupation. America continued with the arms race, Cold War and proxy wars. Today the globe is engulfed in racial violence and civil wars. Japan's prosperity is built on the corpses of those wars. Our peace comes from ignoring the misery in this world. Other nations have been paying the price for world stability. But Japan has closed its eyes to the suffering out there. I can understand your hatred of "just" wars. The despots of the world love to launch their crusades for justice. People have fallen for that line throughout history. But there's a fuzzy line between an unjust peace and a just war. When liars use "peace" as a tool, peace can no longer be trusted. As war is followed by peace, peace inevitably lead to war. Someday we'll realize that peace is more than an absence of war. Have you considered that? We profit from war while the battle rangers behind us. We should remember how close we are to the front lines. Or maybe we're trying to forget. But sooner or later, our punishment will be handed down.
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Fri, February 21st, 2003   #32
A Black Falcon
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They're true, though... well, most of them...
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Fri, February 21st, 2003   #33
Great Rumbler
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Sure he hates the French, but deep down don't we all?
We're both officers serving our country. What exactly are we trying to protect? Japan hasn't seen warfare sine World War II. You and I have lived our entire lives in a time of peace. Peace. That's what we're fighting to protect. But what does peace really mean to Japan? Once, our obsession with war ended in our defeat. Then we had the American occupation. America continued with the arms race, Cold War and proxy wars. Today the globe is engulfed in racial violence and civil wars. Japan's prosperity is built on the corpses of those wars. Our peace comes from ignoring the misery in this world. Other nations have been paying the price for world stability. But Japan has closed its eyes to the suffering out there. I can understand your hatred of "just" wars. The despots of the world love to launch their crusades for justice. People have fallen for that line throughout history. But there's a fuzzy line between an unjust peace and a just war. When liars use "peace" as a tool, peace can no longer be trusted. As war is followed by peace, peace inevitably lead to war. Someday we'll realize that peace is more than an absence of war. Have you considered that? We profit from war while the battle rangers behind us. We should remember how close we are to the front lines. Or maybe we're trying to forget. But sooner or later, our punishment will be handed down.
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Fri, February 21st, 2003   #34
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Originally posted by Great Rumbler
Sure he hates the French, but deep down don't we all?

Well, it's not Bush's fault that the French are spineless cowards that contribute nothing to humanity.

Originally Posted by NMan
Christ it was simpler back in the days, when spam told you plainly and clearly that enlarging your dick by X inches would cost Y amount of money...
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Sat, February 22nd, 2003   #35
Private Hudson
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They make nice toast..
If i had a dollar for every time i ran out of hair in the middle of a spoon making contest id only eat your children with a side of slaw and THOSE ARENT PILLOWS!!
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Sat, February 22nd, 2003   #36
alien space marine
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it may surprise you but "french fries" were created by english canadians!
I guess "english fries" didnt sound good.
As for france and germany wheaselness , They have sold more weapons to suddam hussein then anybody else.Even after the golf war. If you ever seen dateline tv show , they had a documentory on how the Arabs in france are treated as second class citizens.Alot of the 9/11 hi jackers were french Arabs from france.
the french president cut out the eartern europeans nations from join the union becuase they supported Bush and the U.S on Irag.
So we can only come to the conclusion that they are "dirty rats".
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Sat, February 22nd, 2003   #37
A Black Falcon
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I do agree that it wasn't right for the French president to try to pressure Eastern European nations into suppporting them by threatening to withdraw support for them to eventually join the EU... but overall I like their position. I completely agree that we should do everything possible to avoid war before bringing it up as a possibilty...
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Sun, February 23rd, 2003   #38
Private Hudson
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Originally posted by alien space marine
it may surprise you but "french fries" were created by english canadians!
I guess "english fries" didnt sound good.
As for france and germany wheaselness , They have sold more weapons to suddam hussein then anybody else.Even after the golf war. If you ever seen dateline tv show , they had a documentory on how the Arabs in france are treated as second class citizens.Alot of the 9/11 hi jackers were french Arabs from france.
the french president cut out the eartern europeans nations from join the union becuase they supported Bush and the U.S on Irag.
So we can only come to the conclusion that they are "dirty rats".

In France, they call French kissing "English kissing".

It's true, it's true. Or so FHM magazine told me.
If i had a dollar for every time i ran out of hair in the middle of a spoon making contest id only eat your children with a side of slaw and THOSE ARENT PILLOWS!!
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Sun, February 23rd, 2003   #39
Private Hudson
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And for everyones enjoyment.. I have prepared this collage.. of the man.. that is... George W. Bush Jr.

<br/> <bgsound src="http://www.nsk.gr.jp/oka/html/midicolle/Streisand_Barbra-The_Way_We_Were.mid" loop="10"><br/>

If i had a dollar for every time i ran out of hair in the middle of a spoon making contest id only eat your children with a side of slaw and THOSE ARENT PILLOWS!!
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Sun, February 23rd, 2003   #40
alien space marine
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LOL! sweet!
all we need now is a picture of George .w. bush getting spanked by his daddy for being a bad boy and not killing suddam hussein.

what music is that?
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